Daily Devotion - Patience
By a virtual show of hands, how many of you expected more out of your life in 2010? Perhaps you prayed, waited, maybe even fasted for some dreams to be met that weren't. So what happened?
The Lord is good – even His children often do not know it, for they do not wait in quietness for Him to reveal it. Waiting is not one among a number of Christian virtues, to be thought of from time to time.
How do we get through the tunnels in life? We keep our eye on the light. We rely on God and continue to relinquish our plans and timing.
We expect the answers to our prayers to be easily identified. Sometimes the answer appears differently from what we expect and not in the way we anticipate.
God waits for you with all the longings of a father's heart. He waits that He may be gracious unto you.
Strand by strand, these little web-slingers work diligently even though we never see it. It’s no wonder they are part of God’s creation.
Have you waited (maybe too long?) to make a change, chart a new course or accept an unchangeable situation? Maybe you've done the opposite by jumping in and taking action before considering the consequences.
Waiting on God can sometimes feel unbearable. Nevertheless, like the cry of a bird perched on an evergreen in the middle of a cemetery, hope truly can rise above confusion and pain.
The next time you ask God, "Where are you?" You should be asking yourself, "Where am I?".
I desire to be a man of faith and a large part of that is to be a patient man. Being a patient man is not being passive or lazy, but rather being bold in confidence that God will do exactly what He promises to do.
If we truly set ourselves to wait upon God, we shall find that it is with Him we are impatient, because He does not at once, or as soon as we could wish, do our bidding.