May I Have This Dance?
Missey Butler
Guest Writer
-- In my senior year of high school, a fellow classmate
and I were privileged to have been voted “Best Dancers”
among a graduating class of approximately 400 students. I remember
receiving my little plastic trophy at the awards banquet and relishing
in the fun of being spotlighted for something that I simply loved
to do.
I could do the twist, the monkey, the swim, and the boogalou
with the best of ‘em! After becoming born again, though,
I did notice that the Holy Spirit was faithful to help refine
those “natural abilities” into more of an opportunity
to bring honor and glory to God.
One of my favorite stories is about King David and his own love
of dance. He had become so enthralled with his love for the Lord
that he soon lost all of his inhibitions and passionately danced
with great zeal and adoration before the God who had so completely
captured his heart.
Sometimes, when no one’s around, I love to go up to my
bedroom, shut the door, put on my favorite worship CD, and begin
to lose myself in praise and worship. I can imagine myself stepping
out onto the ballroom of Heaven and gracefully performing before
the King of Kings.
I have to confess, one day in prayer I made a very personal request
of the Lord. I said, “God, You’ve promised that one
day soon You are coming back for a spotless bride, and that multitudes
would gather together to celebrate at the Wedding Feast. I want
to ask You now if on that day You would be so kind as to save
a dance for me. With all of mankind looking on, I want to share
a very special moment with the One that I’ve come to know
and love so very much.”
So, on that grand and glorious day, when I’m toe to toe
with the wonderful Lord of the Dance Himself, you’ll remember
what I’ve shared with you here today and say, “By
golly, she got what she wanted. Just look at her now! He gave
her the very desire of her heart, just as He promised He would.”
“For eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it
entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared
for those that love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
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