speaks regularly at major conferences, universities, churches and community events
across the country. Harvard and American Universities are just two of the hundreds
of schools that have invited Christine to speak.
Christine O'Donnell is Founder and President of The S.A.L.T., the
Savior's Alliance for Lifting the Truth. The S.A.L.T. is an interdenominational,
non-profit organization dedicated to mobilizing and training young people to be
salt and light in their generation and culture. The S.A.L.T. was founded by Christine
O'Donnell, who has worked extensively in our nation's capital for pro-life and
pro-family organizations. Through her
and radio appearances, the S.A.L.T.'s work has been featured on MTV, ABC's Politically
Incorrect with Bill Maher, NBC's The Leeza Show, Fox News Channel and others.'s Craig von Buseck recently sat down with Christine to learn more
about the ministry of The S.A.L.T. and the impact that this grassroots organization
is having in Washington, and across America. Watch Part Two of this exclusive
interview by clicking on the links to the right.
The S.A.L.T. exists to
encourage young people to live a life of chastity -- as opposed to abstinence
-- for chastity is a concept which goes beyond saving sex until marriage, and
in fact is a lifestyle which Christ calls us to live out through our entire lives,
be we single or married, man or woman.
S.A.L.T. also exists to turn people away from those practices which conflict with
a lifestyle of chastity, including: abortion, pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality,
premarital sex, adultery, eating disorders, and drugs. Finally, the S.A.L.T. seeks
to equip young people to be a light to their generation through our local SALT
chapters at colleges and high schools nationwide.
Part One of this exclusive interview
more about Christine's ministry, The S.A.L.T.