Effective Ways to Share Your Faith with Others
By Craig von Buseck Contributing Writer
"Is there life after death?" "Is there such a thing as heaven and hell?" "Is Jesus the only way to salvation?" "Can the Bible be trusted as a source of spiritual truth?"
People you encounter in all walks of life are asking questions like these about life and death, heaven and hell, God and the Bible. Opportunities abound to share the Good News that Jesus Christ died for our sins, opening the doorway to an eternity in heaven with God. In this DVD, Pat Robertson shares amazing true stories of people who died and spent time in heaven and hell. And Pat teaches on what the Bible has to say about eternity, salvation, and a literal heaven and hell.
We want to give you this tool to help you share the Gospel message with your family, friends, neighbors and associates. God calls every individual believer to shine the light of salvation in his or her world.
The Apostle Paul writes:
"…God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ's ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God!" (2 Corinthians 5:18b-20, NLT)
By using this ministry tool to answer people's questions about life after death, you are acting as Christ's ambassador, pleading with those lost in sin to "Come back to God!"
Here are some ideas on how you can use the "Life ...Beyond the Grave" DVD in your home, Bible study, local church, school or business to answer people's questions and point them to salvation in Christ.
- Share a copy with a friend or neighbor and ask, "Do you know where you are going when you die?"
- Get permission to have a "Life ...Beyond the Grave" screening on your college or high school campus. Print posters and flyers and spread the news through social networks, campus ministries, or campus radio station announcements. Find local youth pastors or counselors who will join you to answer questions or pray with people to receive Christ as their Savior. Make sure you have some ministry resources like CDs or booklets on the Christian life to give to those who pray a prayer of salvation or ask for more information.
- You can organize a similar "Life ...Beyond the Grave" screening at your local church, youth group, or Christian school or home school association.
- Organize a "Life ...Beyond the Grave" debate through your school's philosophy or religion department. Invite local pastors or Christian leaders to join you on the panel as you debate the issue with people of other faiths or philosophies. Contact local media to cover the event and give them a clip from the DVD to show on their newscast, webcast, or radio program.
- Start a "Life ...Beyond the Grave" Bible study through your church or home group. (Click here for other CBN videos and print resources to use in this Bible study).
- Have a "Life ... Beyond the Grave" youth group or young adult fellowship special series of meetings where you show the video and distribute other print teaching materials from (Learn more here).
- Organize a "Life ... Beyond the Grave" Halloween alternative event in your community. Advertise the event through local media, social networks, campus ministries, and posters. Show the clips from the video and then have a dynamic speaker or youth minister share the Gospel message. Invite local news stations to cover the event and give them a clip to show on air. Make sure you have some ministry resources like CDs or booklets on the Christian life to give to those who pray a prayer of salvation or ask for more information.
- Create a "Life ... Beyond the Grave" discipleship class for your home school or Christian school students using the DVD and's free online discipleship courses.
We pray that these ideas will be helpful to you as you prayerfully consider using "Life ... Beyond the Grave" as a ministry tool in your community. If you have ideas for outreach that we haven't listed, or if you have any questions concerning the use of "Life ... Beyond the Grave" please send them to our feedback page.
My God bless you and guide your steps as you use this tool to shine the light of the Gospel in the world.
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