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Then log on Thursday night at 7 p.m. (EDT) to watch live from Catch the Fire Ministries in Toronto, Canada.
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Previous Spiritual Gifts Webcasts with Carol Arnott:
spiritual gifts series
John and Carol Arnott
CBN.com In the early 1980s, Carol, with her husband, John, founded the Jubilee Christian Fellowship, and in 1988 founded the Toronto church. On January 20, 1994, their lives and ministry changed forever. The revival that began that day, often referred to as the “Toronto Blessing,” continues to influence churches around the world.
“Carol and I felt that we were the least qualified to lead a revival that would eventually have worldwide impact,” John says. Since that time they have witnessed many remarkable miracles and testimonies.
Soaking prayer sprang out of the Toronto revival that gained national attention in the late '90s. The hub of the excitement, the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship , developed the center and network for the alternative form of worship. Led by Pastors John and Carol Arnott, the Soaking Prayer Network was designed to allow millions to experience God’s love and peace.
Fresh and powerful experiences in the Lord are available to all, yet many stumble over them because they are unlike anything most have seen before. The Arnotts constantly redirect the attention of people away from the look of the manifestation and onto the fruit in the person’s life.
In Luke 11:11-13 the Lord tells us to press in to receive – that our heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those to ask.
Many who’ve been to Toronto testify to a deeper intimacy and love for the Lord. Millions of people have come to Toronto to be touched and changed by God, returning to their homes on fire for the Kingdom.
To experience revival in your church or community the Arnotts offer the following suggestions:
(1) Ask God to meet you with His love;
(2) Let the Holy Spirit open up your past hurts and bring healing;
(3) As you grow in freedom, tell others (whether they follow Jesus yet or not!);
(4) Stay full of the Holy Spirit yourself - take time for soaking in God's presence; and
(5) Testify to what God is doing in your life.
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