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Demetria Stallings
CBN.com Demetria Stallings is passionate about worshiping God, not just through song but as a lifestyle of relationship. Leading worship and singing prophetically over the body of Christ are also passions of hers. She loves to see others touched by the hand of God. Her desire is for others to experience prophetic worship through the heart of God.
Demetria has sung in various venues from Virginia, Florida, California, and North Carolina, and with Catch the Fire Ministries and the Christian Broadcasting Network. Demetria has lead worship for Gordon Robertson for ministry meetings in the Philippines and Cyprus. She also leads worship for the CBN.com Spiritual Gifts Webcast.
Demetria is currently working on a soaking prayer music project with her brother Joseph and CBN.
Demetria achieved a B.A. in English from Bridgewater College and graduated with her Masters in Practical Theology with a concentration in coaching and mentoring from Regent University. She loves to sing, and write; music is her outlet. Demetria has also been involved in local community ministry through the development of a private school and Therapeutic foster care.
Demetria also travels with the former Miss South Africa Universe 1997, Marguerite Evans, the National coordinator for CTF Ministries. In addition, Demetria assists and teaches at the Marguerite Evans finishing school, in Chesapeake, Virginia (www.margueriteevans.com).
Demetria believes that she is blessed beyond measure and people come into each other's lives to learn from one another. Demetria believes in enjoying life, she says laughter is good medicine. She loves to be around her family and friends. Demetria is on a journey of being all that God has called her in and to.
Demetria was born in Longsol, Germany to Bishop Joseph and Pastor Jeweline Stallings. She and her two siblings, Timothy and Joseph, were raised in Hawaii.
Watch a previous Spiritual Gifts Webcast with Demetria Stallings
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