Daily Devotion
Dan Betzer Guest Writer
-- Ever get discouraged and want to quit? Are you thinking about giving
up today? Let me tell you a story, first. Richard was a would-be musician,
but nobody wanted him. Nobody believed in him. His partner, Larry, was just as
discouraged. Richard heard about a job that would provide a small but steady
income. It was selling children's underwear. But out of nowhere, he was hired
to write the music for a benefit show that turned out to be a smash hit. He began
to think, "Hey, maybe I do have talent... a future." So, he stayed at it.
And wrote "Oklahoma," "Carousel," "South Pacific," "The King and I," and my favorite
of his musicals, "The Sound of Music." He also wrote the classic love song, "My
Funny Valentine." His name? Richard Rodgers. "Larry" was the famous Lorenz Hart.
Later, after Hart died, Rodgers teamed up with Oscar Hammerstein. Rodgers
died on December 30, 1979. Broadway theaters went dark for one minute in tribute.
The Richard Rodgers Theater on West 46th Street in New York is a permanent memorial
to the man whose music provided some of the most gorgeous sounds ever heard on
this planet. And to think, he almost quit to sell kids' underwear! So,
now we come back to you, good friend. You have tried and failed. People have written
you off. They have told you that you do not have much to offer, but you DO! God
has given you abilities unlike any other, for no two people are exactly alike.
You are gifted and unique. I have preached this hundreds times and I will say
it again: "You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!"
Used with permission by author, Dan Betzer. Previously published on ByLine OnLine, copyright © 2005 Media Ministries of the Assemblies of God.
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