ignored sin
Get Over Your Gluttony!
By Hannah Goodwyn
CBN.com Senior Producer
– The first step to recovery … blah blah blah. OK, I’m going to be real with you. I have a tendency to take the denial or excuse route when failing to resist my temptation – food.
It’s become a way to relax, a friend when I’m alone, something to do when I’m bored. It’s gotten to the point where I turn to food instead of God. I don’t worship it like I do God, but I allow it to control me more than I should.
Sometimes my slip ups are conscious decisions to grab the Cheez-It box and enjoy the cheesy cracker goodness. But, my real downfall is when I mindlessly eat and eat and eat. Time flies by without me even noticing that I've reached the bottom of the box.
Those of us who are obsessed with food aren't only harming our bodies; we're also limiting our relationship with God. The only way to kick the habit is to treat it like a real addiction.
Detox Yourself
"Hello, my name is ________ and I’m a foodaholic." That’s the first step really. Admit that you run to food to ease pain or to fill a void. And It doesn’t matter if you’re a “Skinny Minnie” or 100 pounds overweight, we shouldn’t "worship" food.
There’s no sin in enjoying your delicious dishes – even if they are a little fattening. The trap clamps down when you exhibit no self-control. Overindulgence is a sin. Gluttony is clearly admonished in the Bible (Philippians 3:19). It is common sense really; people with no self-control can get themselves in to trouble.
“When you're given a box of candy, don't gulp it all down;
eat too much chocolate and you'll make yourself sick.” Proverbs 25:16 (The Message)
The only thing we can handle too much of is God. Excessive eating only wears our bodies down and slowly eats away at our satisfaction with seeking more from the Lord. When your dependence turns from Him to food, that’s when you know you’ve got a serious problem.
Here’s a scenario: A co-worker brings in brownies for everyone to enjoy. You smell the chocolately aroma and instantly crave one. You eat it with pleasure. But, it doesn’t stop there. You have another and another. Towards the end of the day, you get a little stressed with work and think to yourself – I deserve another. Subconsciously, you really do think that by eating another brownie everything will be better. It’ll calm you and satisfy your need for something good.
That’s excessive. I’m not saying it’s wrong to treat yourself. But, food, food, and more food will not ultimately please you. It’s a momentary pleasure that will go straight to your hips. But more importantly, it takes the place of God – our comforter and friend.
Simply Say "No"!
Have a little self-control. This is a hard one for me. Discipline, in the area of eating at least, is not one of my strengths.
Next time, you have the urge to exceed your limitations and go for your favorite comfort food – simply say, “No!” It doesn’t even really matter what food it might be. Even if it is healthy food, such as an apple, if you gorge on them to satisfy anything but a true hunger pang, then you’re missing the point.
Allow the Holy Spirit to produce good fruit in your life... like it says in Galatians 5:22-23, bear good fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and SELF-CONTROL.
The following verse lays it all on the table.
“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.” Galatians 5:24 (New Living Translation)
Stand up to temptation and win. Be quick to repent when you’ve preferred possessions or even people above our Heavenly Father. Take your burden for earthly desires to Him each time they arise. We’ll never be free of temptation, but God can set us free from the compelling desire to give in to it.
Remain "Sober"
Don’t just struggle to recover or stay in victim mode with the excuse, “I’ll always be this way; there’s really nothing wrong with it.” Resolve to change. Make today a turning point in your life. When you begin to understand that food won’t satisfy your inner cravings – and shouldn’t, that’s when you can walk with God without continuous distractions. He shouldn’t have to compete with food – or anything else – for our attention or admiration.
Share your story with others. By being accountable, through your testimony, you can reaffirm this change in your life. And even if you give in to a brownie binge, forgive yourself and just determine to resist the temptation the next time around.
Above all, keep God as your focus and rely on Him to satisfy your every need and desire.
Hannah Goodwyn serves as the Family and Entertainment producer for CBN.com. For more articles and info, visit Hannah's bio page.
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