The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

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Week of October 4, 2009


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Merlie Springsteen

Merlie learned at an early age a key principle for success.


The Greigses

Michael lost his job. That's when this couple needed help to feed their family.


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Miracles in Tulsa

What began as a food distribution in Tulsa becomes a miracle service.


Monty Williams

This Portland Trailblazers assistant coach's career was going nowhere...



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Annika and Brian Smith

Find out what enabled Annika and Brian to live their dream.



One little girl's hope of having a family has come true. 




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Phou Khao

When Phou became ill, he had no idea how dangerous his condition was.


Stella Reaves

After Stella Reaves rang up $50,000 in debt, she decided to take some sound advice.



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Kris Gardner

She tripled her income in less than a year. Find out her secret to running a successful business.



Mr. and Mrs. Wu welcomed Xiaoyu into their home, in spite of his cleft lip and palate.





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