financial breakthrough
She Earned Huge Investment Returns
By Andrew Knox, The 700 Club
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| – "I carried a bankruptcy and tax debt, three little children, no job, and no home."
Cindy Jenkins’ ex-husband had so mismanaged the family’s finances that bankruptcy was the only answer. He left the family destitute with no home, no money, and Cindy picking up the pieces.
"The Lord always took care of us. Our needs were always met, and we were tithers, yes. I have always tithed whatever I had, and whatever I was given I tithed off of."
Cindy learned from her parents the biblical principles of tithing and giving. Cindy knew whatever money she had belonged to God. So when Cindy wanted to return to her nursing profession and earn a better income, she sent out resumes and trusted God to work out the details.
"I knew the priority was my family, and that’s God’s priority, and when He’s on your side, He’s going to make a way. And I got the phone call, and it was a daytime supervisory job with the weekends off, and I hadn’t even put a resume in there," she remembers.
This was not uncommon for Cindy and her family. She has also seen God multiply her income over and over again. Cindy became a CBN partner during these times, and she remembers her obedience to give eventually landed her a new home.
"I had started earlier to take the little bit of income I had left over. I think it was $25 a month for every two weeks, after tithes, offerings, and bills." I said, "Lord, if I invest this in a savings account, it will take me forever to get a down payment. But if I invest it in Your kingdom, You’ll get me my house. And He did. Within one year, I had $10,000 worth of property and finances to put down on my house."
That $10,000 came from extra income from her job, and the property was a gift from her sister. Within three years of building her home, Cindy paid it off.
Today, her grown children continue the legacy of tithing and giving taught by Cindy’s parents many years ago.
"So that brought my children to the level they’re at today. Through college, through marriage, and now through their own homes, they’re still continuing the ways of the Lord."
Her son, Phillip, believes his mother's consistent tithing influenced him.
"She taught us about it, and there’s no way I could live my life without following that example."
Cindy no longer lives with very little. She’s totally debt free with savings, money markets, and retirement funds – and God continues to bless.
"God instilled in my heart as I invested in His kingdom. I am more connected with the finances than the world could ever be because God doesn’t have a stock market that can fail. His economy doesn’t fail. I would rather have Jesus Christ Lord of my finances than anyone in this world. And He’s Lord of them," she says.
Cindy Jenkins saw the rewards of applying the Law of Reciprocity – "Give and it shall be given to you" – by giving to CBN. Here is your chance to give to the Lord and see your dollars bring truth to hurting people; feed and clothe needy children; keep The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center phone lines operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and provide medical care to those who need a tangible touch of God's love. Become a CBN partner today!
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