The Christian Broadcasting Network


Filling a Home With Joy

By Zsa Zsa Palagyi
The 700 Club

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You Can Love Your Work In China, there are many reasons why couples adopt. Some need extra help around the house. Some want a child to carry on the family name, and some are simply motivated by love. It was love that drove Mr. and Mrs. Wu to adopt little Xiaoyu.

"My mom died when I was 12, and I know what it is like to feel lost and insecure, so I told the Lord, 'Whenever I see an abandoned child, I will give him a home,' ” says Mrs. Wu.

It was a promise Mrs. Wu kept  when she rescued a baby boy abandoned in front of a church that cold winter morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Wu already had four children – three adopted, and one of their own. But, they welcomed Xiaoyu into their home – in spite of his cleft lip and palate.

"I felt so sorry for little Xiaoyu. He was so tiny and weak. He choked when he tried to suck milk out of his bottle. I thought he would die at any minute," she says.

The Wu’s are very hard workers. Mr. Wu takes care of sheep and goats on what is called “the wasteland” and Mrs. Wu raises bees. 

"No matter how hard we worked, we still couldn’t afford surgery for our son," she says.

And the longer baby Xiaoyu’s face went untreated, the worse it seemed to get. The only place they knew to turn was CBN. CBN had provided cleft lip and palate surgery for one of their other adopted sons, Xiaoki, years before, and they wondered if CBN would be willing to help again.

Mrs. Wu remembers, "I called CBN. I knew that CBN had the same heart for children that I do, and that they love them and have the ability to help them more than I ever could."

CBN came to little Xiaoyu’s rescue and provided the cleft lip and palate surgery he needed. His new mom and dad couldn’t be more thankful.

"This surgery has changed Xiaoyu’s life. He looks great, he’s healthy now, and he has a bright future," says Mr. Wu.

"I cannot tell you how happy I was when I heard Xiaoyu say 'Momma' for the first time. I know this would have never been possible if he didn’t have surgery," adds Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu is glad she stayed true to her promise, and she’s glad CBN was there to help. Without CBN, she says her children would never have the beautiful faces or the bright futures they have today.

"Now all my children can laugh, including Xiaoyu, and my home is filled with joy," says Mr. Wu.

"I want to thank CBN for helping both of my sons. They quickly came to our rescue, like heaven’s love sent from above," says Mrs. Wu.   

Thank you, CBN Partners. You’ve given Xiaoyu a chance for a normal life and have shown him a very tangible expression of God’s love.  When you partner with CBN, you bring a message of hope and love to those in need – providing food, water, clothing, medical care, and so much more, all in the name of Jesus. Please join with us today.

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