The Christian Broadcasting Network

Financial Freedom

From Minimum Wage to Multiple Business Owner

By Amy Reid
The 700 Club

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CBN.comMerlie Springsteen of Rawlins, Wyoming, has achieved more in a few short years that many people do in a lifetime. But when Merlie first moved to Wyoming as a single mother, the future didn’t look so bright.

“It’s hard at first,” she says. “But I have to do what I have to do to support my kids. That’s what I did. I got a job as a cashier, making minimum wage. I think minimum wage at that time was only $5.25 an hour.”

Even though her income was small, Merlie tithed faithfully.

“I was taught when I was a child to give ten percent to God, and that’s it. I’ve been practicing that ever since I was a kid.”

Merlie worked her way up to accounting manager and bought a house for her family. A year later, she refinanced and bought a larger home better suited for her kids’ needs. Their first home became a rental. Through it all, she didn’t waver in her giving.

“As my income increases, of course, my giving is increasing too.”

Over the next eight years, Merlie bought more residential and commercial properties.

“The more I gave, you know, the Lord kept on increasing. There’s always a good property. Some people even come to me, ‘Can you buy my property?’ And it’s a good buy.”

In 2005, Merlie decided to become a CBN partner at the basic level, giving $20 a month.

“Then the next month I said, ‘I want to increase it, because $20 is just little to me.’”

Merlie increased her giving to $40 a month.

As her rental business grew, she continued to increase her pledge. Just two years after becoming a CBN partner, Merlie began giving $10,000 a year.

“I know God gives us the power to get wealth, so I know God is always on my side. Whatever I do, I always prosper. I think that’s the power of giving.”

Merlie now manages 60 rental properties and three businesses. She says her success is no accident.

“I know for sure it’s God who give me the ability. Sometimes He gives me the simple idea of what to do. I want to be a blessing to others, and for me to be a blessing, I have to be blessed. I write the tithe first; I give it first, and He supplies all my needs. I think I find favor with God.”

Merlie saw the rewards of applying the law of reciprocity—"Give and it shall be given to you"—by giving to CBN. Here is your chance to give to the Lord and see your dollars bring truth to hurting people, feed and clothe needy children, keep The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center phone lines operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and provide medical care to those who need a tangible touch of God's love. Become a CBN partner today!


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