The Christian Broadcasting Network


Saving a Young Father from Tuberculosis

By Celeste Endriga
The 700 Club

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You Can Love Your Work -- Thirty-two-year-old Phou Khao grows watermelons for a living. He’s a hard-working husband and father of three from Laos in southeast Asia. Everything was going well for the small family, until Phou Khao got so sick that he couldn’t work.

“I had severe headaches. I was coughing so bad. I lost a lot of weight and couldn’t work at all.”

Phou Khao was afraid his family would get sick, too, so he moved into another room.

“I missed my wife, but I had to do it so that my family would not be infected.”

CBN heard about Phou Khao’s sickness when we came to his village to hold a medical clinic. When we saw just how sick he was, we rushed him to the hospital. There he learned that he had contracted tuberculosis. 

“I was very grateful that help came my way. I didn’t realize I was that sick.”

At the hospital, CBN arranged for Phou Kao to get the medicines that he needed—a treatment course that would last for the next eight months!  CBN doctors also tested Phou Kao’s family to make sure they had not contracted TB and everyone got a clean bill of health.

Today, eight months after beginning treatment, Phou Kao is back to work, taking care of his animals and growing delicious watermelons to sell in the market. 

“Thank you, CBN, I owe you my life.”

CBN partners provide practical help for families in need. This often opens hearts to receive the message of Christ. If you are not a partner, please join with us today. For a small investment of $20 a month, you can bring help and a message of hope to people throughout the world. Become a member today!

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