Soy Protein Reduces Feelings of Hunger To Help You Lose Weight
By Dr. Aaron Tabor, MD
Medical Research Director at Revival Soy
- An estimated 61% of American adults are now considered overweight or obese, with the biggest weight gain among Baby Boomers age 50 and older. Although this generation is taking more preventive health measures such as routine mammograms, prostate screenings and physicals, the 50-plus crowd has nearly doubled its weight over the past two decades.
Even though millions of us spend untold amounts of money in an attempt to lose weight, Americans are heavier than ever. As we grow older, and exercise less, the task of staying fit and trim becomes even more difficult. And while a sensible diet combined with exercise is still the best answer, new research shows that soy can play a major role in helping you achieve your weight loss goals faster.
A significant number of research studies support claims that soy consumption can help you lose weight. Soy protein is a low-fat source of high-quality protein (compared to many other protein sources) that can help you build lean muscle mass.
1) Soy protein helps you feel fuller longer.
Recent medical studies show soy protein helps you feel less hungry, and helps you feel fuller longer (1). Eating soy may work by causing your stomach to send an “I’m full” messages to your brain (2). This helps reduce the urge to snack between meals and late at night - two major causes of weight gain.
2) Soy protein is “low-carb.”
As a naturally low-carb food, soy is the perfect supplement to any weight loss plan, including popular “low-carb” and “high-protein” diets.
3) Soy protein has a “low-glycemic index.”
Not only is soy protein low in carbs and fat, but it also has a low-glycemic index which means it won't cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels after consumption (3). This prevents over secretion of insulin (insulin causes the unwanted effect of storing extra sugar in your bloodstream as body fat). Stable blood sugar and insulin levels mean fewer hunger cravings and fewer calories being stored as fat.
In summary, soy protein combined with exercise and a healthy diet makes an excellent “partner” in a successful weight loss plan.
Revival Soy makes getting enough soy simple and delicious.
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Just 1 small Revival shake or protein bar gives you the amount
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health benefits of soy.
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1 . Eisenstein J, Roberts SB, Dallal G, Saltzman E. High-protein weight-loss diets: are they safe and do they work? A review of the experimental and epidemiologic data. Nutr Rev 2002, 60:189-200.
2 . Nishi T, Hara H, Tomita F. Soybean ß-conglycinin peptone suppresses food intake and gastric emptying by increasing plasma cholecystokinin levels in rats. J Nutr 2003, 133:352-7.
3 . Ludwig DS. The glycemic index: physiological mechanisms relating to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. JAMA 2002;287:2414-23.
4 . Parry-Billings M, Blomstrand E, McAndrew N, Newsholme EA. 1990. A communicational link between skeletal muscle, brain, and cells of the immune system. Int J Sports Med. 2:S122-S128.
5 . Barbul A. The use of arginine in clinical practice. In: Cynober, LA, ed. Amino acid metabolism and therapy in health and nutritional disease. New York, NY. CRC Press Inc. 1998:361-383.
6 . Rossi A, DiSilvestro RA, Blostein-Fujii. 1998. Effects of soy consumption on exercise induced acute muscle damage and oxidative stress in young adult males. FASEB, vol 12:5 p. A653.
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