The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

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Week of October 25, 2009


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Joe Gandolfo

The financial expert shares tax tips.


Julie Woodley

She ran away from home to escape her abusive father.


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The Battle of Constantine

In 312 A.D., Rome was crumbling. However, Christians found a champion in Constantine.


Andrew Williams: Out of the Box

Born into poverty, he is now helping minority youth find their place in academics.


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Roger Troy Wilson

The author of "Let's Do Lunch" talks about his dramatic weight loss.


Nettie Graves

She called The 700 Club to pledge, but instead she got a healing.




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Bruce Feiler

The author talks about how Moses as a Founding Father.


Tara Lawson

She thought playing with a Ouija board was harmless until strange things started to happen.



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Sherri Shepherd

The View co-host, author and actress talks about her life in the limelight.




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