The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Nettie Graves: Nothing God Can't Do

By Rich Santoro
The 700 Club – When Nettie Graves of Richmond, VA called The 700 Club to make a pledge, she didn't expect the counselor to pray for her.

“I didn’t call to get prayers for myself.”  “That’s okay,” she said, “Let me pray for you before you go.”

Nettie told the conselor about chronic pain she suffered in both shoulders. It hurt all the time but mostly when she raised her arms up. Both rotator cuffs were really bad. She couldn't raise her arms up to exercise or do her hair.

" I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning because it hurt so bad...It didn't get any better except maybe for a few hours if I took medication. I had to fill up with pain killers all the time just to get anything done. "

Unfortunately her pain was likely to get worse with age. "I didn't want to accept where I was at, but I had no other choice."

Nettie was even having a hard time just holding the telephone as she talked with the counselor. Together they prayed for a complete healing of Nettie's shoulders. "The spirit of the Lord was so heavy on me. I was crying."

Just half an hour after she hung up the phone, Nettie noticed a dramatic change. "I called my daughter and told her, 'I don't feel any pain in my shoulders any more. I believe God healed me.'"

The pain was completely gone from both arms, and to this day, she has been pain free!

"This healing was real, I can promise you that. My shoulders are fine now. I can brush my hair, do exercise, work in the garden, and lift stuff."

Nettie is also grateful for the miracle she never expected. "This healing has made me believe that God can do anything. There's nothing He can't do."

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