The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Terry in the Ukraine

'God's Hand on Ukraine': Terry Meeuwsen's Journal (part 7)

By Terry Meeuwsen
The 700 Club
May 3, 2005 Hello again friends and family!

Today began cold, wet, and rainy. There was very little the CBN staff could get accomplished, so we utilized our time by going to the CBN-Ukraine office to catch our breath, email our families, check the footage we shot, and get ready for the days ahead!

The afternoon turned out to be beautiful although quite cold. We were able to complete the taping of a story that I am very excited about -- "God's Hand on Ukraine". It will be featured on The 700 Club in the months to come. It was fascinating to visit all the beautiful locations that really give you the "flavor" of this city and nation.

Tomorrow we will be visiting THE FATHER'S HOUSE. This is a ministry that CBN supports that brings homeless kids into a loving, caring environment.

I am continually thankful for the commitment of our CBN partners who are helping to support such ministries as THE FATHER'S HOUSE.


The adventure continues... Read Part 8.

For more information on adoption, visit Terry's Web site.

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