Can God Change Your Life?
To view real life stories of people who invited Jesus into their lives, please select one of the following categories:
Near Death Experiences
Ian McCormack and The Lazarus Phenomenon
He had a vision of the afterlife after being stung by a dangerous jellyfish.
Julie Papievis: To Heaven and Back
She lost all bodily functions and almost lost all hope after her accident. Then, Julie died just long enough to get a glimpse of the afterlife.
Tamara Laroux: Out of This World
Tamara attempted suicide by shooting herself in the chest. She believes she experienced the afterlife between the time she was bleeding out and when she recovered.
Colton Burpo: Glimpses of Heaven
Colton's 4 year old spirit left his body during an emergency surgery and he experienced heaven with Jesus.
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From New Age Thought to Christianity
Vanessa's Radical Transformation
It seemed inevitable that Vanessa Hollins would find herself inheriting the lifestyle of drugs and the New Age religion that she raised with. After a failed suicide attempt, she visited Brooklyn Tabernacle Church and met the Lord in a radical way.
Mrs. Jen's Conversion: From Idols to Christ
Through The 700 Club Mrs. Jen turned away from false idol worship to Jesus and lead her seven family members to Christ.
Sandra Clifton: From New Age to New Life
Recovering from an abusive marriage, Sandra searched for power and significance in the occult. After an awesome encounter with God, Sandra turned from the New Age to a new birth in Christ.
From Islam to Christianity
A Muslim Woman Finds Christianity
Growing up during the Iran-Iraq war, Ellie Davidian saw her world in black, white, and blood red.
A Muslim Finds the Way to Heaven
Azar worked hard to be a good Muslim. But after years of ceremonial prayers five times a day, she grew tired of the routine.
Born-Again, Ex-Islamic Terrorists Speak Out
It's rare for an Islamic terrorist to break free from the jihadist lifestyle. It's even rarer for that same terrorist to then speak out against Islamic terrorism and become a devout Christian.
God Working Through a Troubled Marriage
God Restores a Crumbling Marriage
On the outside, they had everything ... the house, great jobs, and a promising future but on the inside everything was falling apart.
Learning to Trust Again
Steve cheated on his wife Laurie for years before she found out. They were forced to decide the fate of their marriage, and their choice may surprise you.
The Agostos: A Marriage Revival
Rafael's addictions pushed everyone away from him. Even his wife, Linda, said, "He loved the drugs more than his family—that’s how I saw it.”
Gwen Smith: Broken to Beautiful
Gwen was raised in church, rebelled in college, and got pregnant. She denied her beliefs and aborted her baby. Now she shares about it with others in word and song.
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Deliverance from Drug Abuse
Facing the Music
As his wife walked out the door, she told Ron Brown, "I love you. But I just can't watch you kill yourself." Would it be enough to keep him off drugs?
Shawn McDonald: A Hippie Reborn
Abandoned by his parents, he was lost in a world of endless raves and dealing drugs. See how God gave this singer a spiritual high.
Darlene Bonner: From Drugs to Hope
At age sixteen Darlene left home. She turned to drugs and became a prostitute. While watching television one night, she came across the 700 Club and called to ask for prayer.
A Drug Dealer Comes to God
Jemal Farrell sold heroin on the streets of Baltimore. His lust for money put his family in harm's way – that is, until a TV preacher set him straight.
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Deliverance from Alcoholism
Stephanie Mitchen: Looking for Love in the Right Place
After two failed marriages, Stephanie Mitchen turned to alcohol to soothe her wounds. Soon she was battling an addiction that only God could free her from.
Manny's New Addiction
Border patrol agent Manny Rodriquez never meant for his life to end up in shambles. But five years ago, selfishness and addictions to porn and alcohol made him a slave, and it was killing his marriage.
Beneath the Surface of Sylvia Lange
To everyone, she was perfect. However, underneath it all lied dark secrets. Tim Branson brings us the real Sylvia Lange that alcohol couldn't hide.
At the Bottom of the Bottle
Suresh found a false sense of security in alcohol. However, he would soon learn that drinking was the least of his problems.
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Deliverance from Addiction
Clay Crosse: Deliverance from Porn Addiction
Christian singer and chart-topper Clay Crosse speaks candidly about his struggle with lust and pornography.
The Hartins: Battling the Gambling Addiction
Suddenly nothing mattered anymore: the kids, his job, Liesa. All John Hartin wanted to do was gambling, and it was tearing his life apart.
A Healing Confession
John Lowris knew that confessing his sins was the only way to healing but it also meant telling his wife something that could destroy their marriage.
Shelley Lubben: A Porn Star's Deliverance
Shelley knows the ugly side of life. From being an adult film star to prostitution, she was trapped in a world that was slowly killing her soul. Read her testimony and learn the true meaning of amazing grace.
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From Prison to Salvation
Renegade Biker Finds Christ in Prison
A renegade biker leads a violent life, is arrested and finds the Lord in prison.
Married to the Mob
Michael Franzese was one of the wealthiest mafia bosses in America when he met 19 year old Cammy Garcia, a beautiful born-again Christian. Her deep faith and strong convictions led to his ultimate surrender--both to the law and to the Lord.
From Jail to Liberty in Christ
Even though Janet Taylor's childhood in North Carolina was far from idea, she never dreamed that her life would get so bad that a jail cell would feel like home to her.
Led to Christ by Visions of Jesus
"I had no control over my life at all. Nothing else was important, my children, my wife, my farm, nor my life. Nothing did I care about except cocaine and alcohol."
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Young Adults
Rory - God First
Rory grew up going to church but fell away when he became consumed with surfing.
Morgan - Love & Acceptance
Early on, during childhood, I turned to drugs, alcohol and sex, trying to find some kind of love, some kind of acceptance because I couldn’t find it anywhere else.
Dave - Popularity
In high school, all Dave wanted was to be popular. Realizing that the friends he had tried so hard to impress weren’t true friends, he began to discover the things that really matter in life.
Ashley - Depression
As a little girl growing up, Ashley's life looked good from the outside. But something was missing. Nobody knew what kind of life she was living and the extent of her depression.
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