The Christian Broadcasting Network


CBN Is Calling The Nation To Pray For You!
We are asking God to build a shield of protection
around each of you and your families back home.

Many of our partners want to send you
a personal greeting of encouragement.
Please know that you are loved and
appreciated and we are storming
heaven’s gates on your behalf.
Thank you for your valor and courage.

Psalm 3:3 –

“Thou O Lord, art a shield about me,
you are my glory and the
One who lifts my head.”

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From Martha: My Family and I are praying for each of you as you serve our nation. May God send His angels to protect you and form a barrier between you and the enemy. We pray that you accomplish your mission quickly and return home. We love you and thank you. God bless you.

From Zachary (Second Grade, Texas): You’re doing good in the war. I hope your winning the war. I like Nighthawks. I like them because they can block radar and have air to air missiles. I also like the Battle Ships Navy. I like them because it has all sorts of guns. I have heard you are winning the war. I hope you find Osomobidlodon. I want to help by sending this letter and praying for you.

From Janet & Bill: We thank you for what you're doing for our Country. Thank you and we are praying for wisdom and protection for you. God Bless.

From Charles and Donna: GOD BLESS YOU ALL! THANK YOU! "We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved theses many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these things were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us." Abraham Lincoln
God of grace, hear our prayer; Bless our Men and Women who are protecting our freedom and the freedom and lives of others. God shed your grace on them and all the World. Give us peace and bring them all home soon! May Gods protection be with you all! God Bless!

From a Navy Mom: I am so proud of you and the job you're doing. Your patriotism and bravery are a credit to you and to your parents. Please know that you are loved and people are praying for your safety and peace for your families. Let's ROLL!

From Marty: I am praying that God will protect you and your families and bring you safely home soon, Marty

From Tom & Carol: Thank you for your sacrifice in defending our freedom. We are praying for God's hedge of protection to be around you and your families. Go in the strength and power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

From Sue: All I can seem to come up with is God bless you for serving your country. You are very special people and I an in awe of your dedication. Please keep Jesus as your focal point. He will surely guide you and lead you. Thank you!

From Michael Young and family (Cpl, USMC '90-'94; Restore Hope Veteran): Having served in the Marine Corps during the last gulf war and spending my time in Somalia I fully appreciate the sacrifices and obstacles that you face personally and in your faith. Always remember that God will send his angels to protect and that you are never alone. For God's love and grace is with us no matter where we go, even in harms way. God's speed and his blessings on you and your fellow servicemen and women through this next great endeavor.

From Budd, Donna & family: We love you, and we pray for you throughout the day. Please, just simply believe God and trust God; and, keep only positive thoughts in your minds and hearts, so that you will be ready to hear the voice of God guiding you, to keep you safe, with each step you take. Budd was in Special Forces in Korea, and the enemy shot dead center at him, and never hit him. God is likewise in your presence, to lead you, to protect you, and to perform miracles in your life.

From Barb: This morning I pray for you what I prayed for the "chief" of the USA ... "Divine Tenacity!" and this Scripture: Malachi 3:16-18. Thank You for serving, God bless you, Trust that the Spirit of God will guide you & give you wisdom. I pray that HE hide you in the palm of HIS hand.

From a church: I pray for you everyday. I pray for GOD to cover you and protect you. Thank you for what you are doing for this country.

From Bill and Dar: My husband and I are so honored to know that you have chosen a career of sacrifice; one of duty and honor. Without you, where would our fine country be? Daily in prayer, we lift our troops up to God and plead the precious blood of Jesus over our troops for safety and protection. Only ONE drop of HIS precious blood is all that is needed for salvation. We also pray for divine wisdom for the President, cabinet members, and military leaders. That their decisions in this time would be strictly from God and not man. We pray Psalm 144:1 for you. This is the same number as the UN resolution 1441. God ALWAYS has a plan!
Ps 144:1
Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle -- (NKJV)
We also pray protection for your families. That God's hand would cover them and shield them from any harm while you are away. Please know that we two are just a couple of the MILLIONS of praying people that have you covered. The Apostle Paul said to put on the armor of God.......that covers all your vital organs, your front side, head, feet. But it is the prayers of the people that will cover your backside. These prayers YOU CAN COUNT ON.
God bless you and keep you, May His face shine upon you and give you peace.

From Donald: Psalm 91:4-5 “He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wing, shalt you trust:his truth shall be your shield and buckler. (5) You shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; (6) nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. (7) A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come nigh you. (8) Only with your eyes shalt you behold and see the reward of the wicked.

From Harrell & Marci: Thank you for serving your country in this time of crisis and danger. We are retired military and are praying for you every day to come to know the Lord personally, and for Him to keep you safe from all harm and danger. God bless you and God bless the USA.

From Renata: I prayed that you be protected by the power of our Lord JESUS CHRIST and you shall come back home a survivor and conqueror in his name. Blessing To You.

From Daniel & Peggy: We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers! We may not know each of you by name, but you are a part of all of us here in America. We thank you for going to serve our Nation and willing to protect and stand for the freedoms and safety that are important ! We are very proud of you and will pray for you. Thank you for making us proud to be an American,,, and WE ARE !! God be with you and take comfort in Him! From a couple of your fellow Americans.

From Chris: My heart breaks for our country and this world full of savages that you are
forced to face. God Bless you, protect you, guide you and give you wisdom. Thank you for taking on these devils for the sake of my little grandbabies. I love you all.

From Gail: First and foremost, THANK YOU for your service to our country and the world. Words cannot express how grateful I am that our country has men & women like you.
I have joined the prayer shield and will lift you up to the Father from whom our help comes from. May He send His mightiest angels to go with you and give you a swift victory.

From Nicole: I pray that angels be camped all around you of protection from the Almighty God the Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for He is far above all rule and authority, above all power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. God has placed all things under his feet and appointed Jesus head over everything, the fullness of Him who fills everything every need in every way. Lord my need for these Soldiers is for their protection, and in the name of Jesus may Christ shine on you each every one soldier and may the psalms and spiritual songs speak in you heart and peace come in this country.
And to all soldiers who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ, may their heart open up to Him now, and ask Him into your heart, for whosoever calleth upon the Lord shall be saved!!!! God bless you, I will be praying for you, we love you. Christ loves you even to those who do not know Him. Because Love is Jesus!

From Joyce: Your in my thoughts and prayers everyday. May God be with you all and keep you safe. Put your faith and trust in God he will see you through these trying times. God bless you all.

From Cecilia: My heart is with you in full measure. So many that I know are deeply touched by your courage and action. Turn to Jesus Christ for a supernatural peace and discernment during these difficult days and nights. Know that we are lifting up in prayer, your families as well. America appreciates YOU! We have sent care packages to the US camps we know of, we are fasting and praying, we are speaking up on behalf of our Commander Chief -- President Bush -- your leaders and most especially YOU. If you can read in HIS Word or even recall any Bible scriptures you have heard or known, meditate on these for strength. I trust God for your safety and homecoming.

From Howard: I want to THANK YOU for what you are doing for me and the United States of America. I can't say that I have the Bravery that you do, but a can assure you I will pray for you all each day. If you want to send me your name I will pray for you by name. May God
put His Hedge of Protection around you all. God Bless You All and again Thank You.

From the Fernandez family: You are on the side of righteousness and truth, God will be with you every step of the way, he will keep you in his arms and guide you no matter where or when. We are with you.

From Jo Ann: You are in our prayers daily. We thank you for all the support and we honor you. We pray that God will be with each step of the way, each and every day. We pray that God will places His protective shield around you and yours today, tomorrow and forever. You are Gods children and He wants you to accept Him into your life, your hearts and speak to Him daily. We pray that peace will come and you will be home soon to your own loving families. Don't let those that oppose this time of war bring your moral down. Just remember that are thousands and thousands that give you complete support, love and prayers for everything you do for our country, and most of all...GOD GIVES YOU HIS NEVER ENDING LOVE!! We love you!!!

From Robin & family: My household will be praying for you all everyday. My husband was in the last Iraq war. I know just how important prayer is. May God bless and keep you all and thank you so much for your sacrifice. It is appreciated more than you can ever know.

From John & Linda: Our thoughts and prayers are for your victory and safe return. We have been there during other conflicts and know what you are experiencing. Know we are behind your effort 100 percent. May the GOD of mercy and love be with you throughout.

From Cynthia: You are in my prayers. I ask the Lord to lift you up and keep you safe and watch over you loved ones as you are away. Thank you for serving for our country! If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength of GOD. 1 Peter 4:1

From Carol: God bless you for standing up for our freedom in support of our Nation. I'm
praying for God's shield of protection over you and hope you feel our prayers and Divine hedge of protection.

From Keith & Gwen: Thank you very much for your dedication to each of us in the United States of America. You are appreciated highly. We are praying for you and each of your family members to be surrounded by angelic hosts and for your every need to be met through Christ Jesus the Lord of all. Please read Psalms 23 and 91 and be assured that Jesus is your shield and protection from all harm. Not only does He shield us, He is our exceeding great reward! In other words, whatever we commit to Him, He turns it into good. What a reward. We lift the name of Jesus over you, cover you with His precious blood, and bless you in His name. May the love of God, the grace of the Lord Jesus, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you both now and forever.

From Greta: You are so precious to us. I am the mom of 3 daughters, and 3 son-in-laws, grandma of 2 granddaughters, and a grandchild on the way. They are all in your age group. You have blessed me so, for caring enough about our country, to go. WE ARE PRAYING here! We will hold you up every day, knowing that our God is able to keep you in His care. We will pray that God will send His angels around you to stand by your side. Thank you so much for being there for us! You are awesome! God Bless you. The Lord bless you and keep you, and may He Always Bless America

From Dana: I am so very grateful to you for putting your lives on hold and on the line to protect our country and the world from terrorism. Please know that there are thousands of people who are praying for your safe return. This world will be a safer, more gentler place because of you. You are in my prayers and I hope that you are all back home with your loved ones very, very soon. Thank you so much.

From Vicki: May God bless and protect you as you stand up and fight against our enemies! There are many, many people praying for your protection. I pray that you will trust in God completely! We love you and are thankful for you!

From Jennifer: Please know how very grateful we are as a nation that you are serving our country and those in need with protection & power to undermine the works of darkness and bring hope to a hurting land & people. Psalm 91 is a powerful prayer of protection for you all - I encourage you to read it every day, and I am praying the last verse in Isaiah 54 - that says that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER!! I pray the Lord keeps you strong and alert, with a heart of peace without fear, and an assurance of His great love for you. Don't forget He is your very best Friend, always listening to your heart prayers, and watching over you every minute of every day. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you and give you PEACE.

From Rhonda: I want you to know that I love and respect our men and women in the military for their service to our country. My father was a WWII veteran/POW so I understand the importance of what you do. Thank you for defending our freedom and for the sacrifice you and your families make. I will be praying for you each and every day that God will put his shield of protection around each and every one of you and that he will give you victory over our enemy. I also will pray for him to provide for the everyday needs of your families. Cast all of your cares upon HIM. Pray for him to surround you with his peace and comfort. God is faithful to those who know him by name.

From Mr. & Mrs. Perrino: At this time, I would like to thank you for all your willingness to serve and protect our freedom in this great country of ours. All of you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. May God bless and protect you as you are the voice of freedom for all of us.

From Bill & Adele: We are holding you all up in our prayers. What you are doing for our great country is something that cannot be denied. Every good and wonderful blessing that our great Nation has is because of Service Men and Women like you! THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for being there for us and....................for AMERICA! God Bless each and every one of you! God Bless America!

From Shelly: Hi this is from California, I am praying for each and every one of you. I will never be able to thank you for what you are doing for Our Country, I can't imagine what you are thinking or feeling right now, but know so many people you don't even know and may never meet are praying for you and Love and respect you that you took a stand to make a difference and to keep America the place it should be. My heart and prayers goes out to you and your families. Thank you so much. God is with you.

From Ginny: We, the American people are so honored to have you defending our great nation and want to let you know that we are behind you and you are in our thoughts, hearts, and prayers. I personally have two of my immediate family that has been called up again twice in 15 months to serve and I am very proud of them. I am very proud of each and every one of you. Don't ever feel like you are alone because you have the strongest nation of people behind you and always will. We must put our faith in Jesus to take care of us and to watch over each of us. I lift each and every one of you up to His divine and loving hands. May God walk every step with you and keep you safe to be returned to your families. I pray that all of you that read this have a personal relationship with our Lord. If you have not had the time to reach out and accept His love and His gift of eternal life that you will take the time now to seek his face. He is waiting for you to open the door to your heart and let Him take care of you. You can not lose with Jesus on your side. God Bless You All.

From Donna: May the Lord, God on High, send His angels to camp around you, confuse
the enemy and return you safely home again. Remember Isaiah 40:31 "They
that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up
with wings as eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint." My church family and I keep all of you in our prayers every day. God bless and keep you.

From Charlyn: Thank you very much for fighting for us and our freedom. We live in the best country on this earth. God Bless you each day as you serve our country. God will be with each and every one of you, He will not forsake you, He has promised. You can be assured He will carry you through, remember the foot steps in the sand.

From Marsha: We may have never met, but you are in my prayers. I thank you for your dedication, hard work, and courage. I think of our troops with the utmost honor and highest esteem. You will be in my prayers daily.

From Pat & Burton: My husband and I want to thank you for serving on behalf of the United States (one nation under God). Freedom is wonderful but it is costly. It is those like you who are willing to pay the price to insure that America keeps her many freedoms. One of those wonderful freedoms is that I have the freedom to pray for you and I am doing so daily. One scripture I pray over you is Psalms 91: "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD , "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."...You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday...If you make the Most High your dwelling- even the LORD , who is my refuge- then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent..."Because he loves me," says the LORD , "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him." Thank you so very much for everything you are doing for all of us here in the USA,

From Spencer & Patty: Our prayers are and have been with you daily. We ask God for protection and that all of you know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We thank God and thank you for your willingness to defend this wonderful free country of ours. We support you and our President and all our military leadership in the decisions that lie ahead.

From Susannah: Thank you so much for the strength of your courage, your strong-heartedness, and the self-discipline and sacrifice that it has taken for you to arrive at this moment of time. May God be with you every single moment, and again, thank you. I do pray for each of you, and have on my refrigerator, the name of a soldier that each of my children might remember him daily--this is a public action from the President's Prayer group, to assign your name's for intense prayer. Love in Christ Jesus--be good to one another.

From Michelle: With all my heart, soul and mind I stand with you and hold you in the center of my prayers. As you face a battlefield here on earth I will face the battlefield in the heavens and together, one accord, we will call upon the Lord to cover both with His will.

From Suzanne: You are all HEROES! We are so proud of you and wish you God speed return! May you find strength in your commitment to protect your country.

From Lyndel & Patricia: Just want you to know that we really appreciate your commitment and sacrifice for our country. Our prayers are with you daily for God's protection. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.

From Mike & Sarah: We are praying for you daily. We are so proud you and your commitment to protect our country. We will continue to lift you up in our prayers for safety and peace in your hearts while you are away. We stand committed to you and with you. God bless you and thank you so much for defending our freedom.

From Amy, Calvin, Sara, Shannon, and Christina: We just wanted to let you know that despite what our liberal media says about this war, we know that you are where you are for a very good reason. My husband and I are proud of you and will be praying for you that God's protection will be over you in all that happens. I have lived over seas, in hardship areas, for extended periods of time and know how difficult it can be to be away from loved ones. One thing that I found to be very true though, is that God provides even the little things if we ask Him. He is the Great Protector and I will be asking Him to watch over all of you.

From Peggy: This is what my husband, Mike and I pray for you. Here is a “Prayer of Protection” directly from Psalms 91: A Prayer of Protection
Father, I thank you that I dwell in the secret place of the most High and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of You LORD, You are my refuge and my fortress: my God; in You will I trust. Surely You will deliver me from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. You shall cover me with Your feathers, and under Your wings will I trust; Your truth shall be my shield and buckler. I will not be afraid of the terror by night; nor of the arrow that flies in the day; nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor of the destruction that waits at noonday. A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; but it will not come near me. Only with my eyes will I behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because I have made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, my habitation; there will be no evil befall me, neither will any plague come near my dwelling. For You will give Your angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. The angels will bear me up in their hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone. I will tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon will I trample under my feet. Because I have set my love upon You, You will deliver me. You will set me on high because I have known Your name. I will call upon You and You will answer me: You will be with me in trouble; You will deliver me, and honor me. With long life will You satisfy me, and show me Your salvation.
AMEN (Psalms 91)

From Margaret: I thank you for your courage and sacrifice on behalf of our country. You are in my prayers daily and look forward to the day you are all safely home.

From Christine age 8: My family appreciates you are defending our world, life, freedom and countries. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. GOD bless you all and we pray his holy spirit will guide you and protect you in the war. I pray you will be safe. GOD bless the president, GOD bless America!

From Polly: Hello, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Polly W. from California. I am a deaf lady. Yes, I am praying for all of you and God protects all of you in God's loving hands.. God is embracing you in His loving arms...God wants and needs you...
God, covering you all with His blood and Angels encamp all of you in Psalm 91:4 says He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.. Psalm 91: 11 says For he shall give you his angels over thee ( you ), to keep thee in all the ways... Remember always God loves you all......Our America and
I won't forgot all of you in our prayers.

From Bob & Edith: My son has been in Bahrain since November. I am praying for him and for all our brave men and women in uniform serving our great country in the Persian Gulf. God bless you all and keep you all safe. You are our heroes. Good will prevail over evil.

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