Christian Leadership to Change the World
Six Podcasts to Inspire and Shape Christian Leadership Leadership is an expression of what we do, but even more important are the thoughts and ideas that inspire us to act. As a leader, the breadth of ideas you expose yourself to is as important as how you choose to share your wisdom with the world. Great ideas can come from anywhere, so the following is a list of podcasts effective leaders will find useful—ranging from those that inspire to those that make the delivery of our own messages all the more inspirational.
The Leadership Moment Podcast
These quick daily podcasts focus on the challenges and rewards of being an effective Christian leader. Get valuable leadership advice, rooted in faith, from the president of Equip, a non-profit organization dedicated to Christian leadership.
TED Talks Audio: Ideas Worth Spreading
TED truly inspires and challenges listeners to look at the world in a different way. Originally developed to unite the technology, entertainment and design industries, TED now offers more than 900 inspirational talks, each delivered in less than 18 minutes. With topics covering everything from business to philosophy, TED fosters thought leadership in a number of areas.
The Public Speaker’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills
Despite the title of this podcast, the public speaking tips provided are quick, but actually help you clean up your communication skills to present more effectively. Listen to podcasts ranging from how to make a speech more memorable to how you can read the body language of your audience.
Harvard Business Review IdeaCast
With wisdom from some of the most influential CEOs and Fortune 500 business leaders, the Harvard Business Review IdeaCast is a smart way to improve your business savvy. Know the current trends in best business practices and hear what’s on the horizon.
This I Believe
A contemporary version of Edward R. Murrow’s award-winning radio program, this podcast offers listeners the opportunity to hear the struggles and triumphs of everyday people. Also available are the original recordings from the 1950s version of the show.
On Being
On Being offers an open-minded perspective into all faiths. Guests on the podcast discuss the big questions many of us find ourselves asking at some point in our lives. Learn to be a more effective leader by understanding the queries and stories of this broad range of individuals.
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