So, You Want to be Published
By Laura J. Bagby Sr. Producer – You have considered it time and time again while standing in the video store line, folding laundry, or taking your lunch break at work. There is this niggling in your noggin about penning your thoughts and maybe even getting paid for it. You might have an entire book stashed in the pages of your journal, but you don’t know how to sell it. Or maybe you dream about quitting your job and becoming a freelance writer, sending articles to Christian periodicals and getting rewarded with cash in your wallet, a byline, and the opportunity to work from the comfort of your living room with your fuzzy slippers on.
If you are like other aspiring writers, you ask, “How do I break into publishing?” Surely, there has to be an answer out there. I mean, Joyce Meyer had to start somewhere, as did Max Lucado and even your neighbor down the road who just landed a sweet deal writing for some monthly magazine. Obviously, beyond sheer talent, these folks know something you don’t.
This leads me to help you demystify this mammoth called getting published. I am about to reveal to you the quintessential book for Christian writers, fully updated for 2007.
But first, I have to let you know that as a professional writer (albeit, on the Internet), this is the book I hear about year after year in professional writer circles. This book, which has been in existence for more than 20 years, is the one that gets recommended and dog-tagged. And it’s the one that I look for in the reference section at my local Barnes & Noble when I hear it has been updated, because like you, I like to check out my freelance options, too. So, if you decide you just have to have this resource, you are among friends and professionals in the industry.
OK. Here it is: Christian Writers’ Market Guide 2007 by Sally E. Stuart. It just got published this January, so, like those Krispy Kreme donuts when the glaze has barely settled, it’s still hot and fresh. The edition includes a PC- and Mac-compatible CD-ROM containing the whole book in text and PDF format for those who prefer the computer to flipping through a hard copy.
Yes, it has an academic-sounding name, but all good reference books do have that scholarly ring. And like all good reference tomes, this thick, 630-page essential classic has the who’s who in the publishing industry, so you can take the guesswork out of who best to send your writings to. That way you don’t waste your time sending your precious work of art to the wrong publisher or publication, or send your ideas in the wrong format.
Whether you wish to publish your book, magazine or online article, poetry, or greeting card, you will get the most up-to-date information about your best bets.
Check out what is at your fingertips:
- 1,200 markets for writers
- 740 periodicals
- 354 book publishers
- 242 poetry markets
- 125 card and specialty markets
- 38 e-book publishers
- 120 literary agents
- 247 photography markets
- 98 foreign markets
- 99 newspapers
- 42 print-on-demand publishers
- Writer’s conferences and contests
- Tips on writing
- The latest market analysis
For each entry, you will get a short profile, including valuable information like the key contact(s) information, circulation or number and type of books published per year, pay rate and royalties (if applicable), brief writer guidelines, and topics that the publisher is most interested in. With this insider knowledge, how can you go wrong?
The retail price of $34.99 might seem steep at first, but you are looking at hours of labor and years of experience. Stuart is a leading authority on Christian markets and the art of writing, has published 34 books, and has sold more than 1,000 articles. If nothing else, she has the firsthand experience you will want to break into writing. So take advantage of it.
Now, if you will excuse me, I’ve got to dash. I think I will just scribble down my thoughts… My latte and fuzzy slippers are calling.
Get your copy of Christian Writers' Market Guide 2007 .
Laura is senior producer for and producer for the Health section. She also writes inspirational, humor, singles, and health articles.
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