november 23, 2005
This Week's Leading Prayer Needs from Washington, D.C.
From The Presidential Prayer Team
Now that President Bush has returned from Asia, pray for the follow-up, that the key issues discussed and debated will be enacted in a manner that honors God and works to bring greater health, peace and freedoms to the peoples of the world.
As President Bush worshiped with Chinese Christians prior to addressing the issue of religious freedom there, pray that this grave concern will be addressed and that all in the Church in China will be protected and strengthened in their faith.
Pray for President and Mrs. Bush as they celebrate Thanksgiving at their Crawford Ranch asking God to give them and their guests His peace and rest.
Pray for the members of Congress during Thanksgiving recess, asking God to bless them with renewal and refreshment. As they speak with constituents, pray that those exchanges will be productive and helpful. Pray also for a moderation of recent divisive debates.
Pray for our troops in Iraq, as pressure to withdraw from the massive effort there mounts, asking God to encourage and protect each one.
From Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
House Republican leadership called the Democrats' bluff Friday night and brought up a resolution for a floor vote demanding an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. After months of bashing President Bush, of demanding a timetable for withdrawal, of constantly carping on every setback, they finally had a chance to vote on precisely what they have been seeking for so long – an immediate withdrawal.
Only three Democrats voted for the resolution, while another six voted "present." One hundred eighty-seven (187) Democrats opposed the resolution, including Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha, who held a press conference Thursday to demand an immediate withdrawal! Twenty-four hours later, it seems House Democrats realized that sometimes "good politics makes bad policy."
Offer praise for the strong leadership shown in the House over this vote, and stand in the gap for the 40 senators who voted FOR a pullout last week.
Pray that our troops on the land be ENCOURAGED and THANKED for their tireless efforts to preserve freedom in the new Iraq.
But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. (Matt. 5:37)
In a press conference yesterday, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld offered this [response] to the [critics] of U.S. policy in Iraq: "In 1998, the U.S. Congress passed and President Clinton signed the Iraqi Liberation Act. That law specified 10 findings of Saddam Hussein's violations of international norms and stated, quote, 'It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime,' unquote. That legislation passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 360 to 38, and it passed the Senate without a single vote in opposition."
Secretary Rumsfeld continued: "These are simply facts. The times we live in are serious. We're in the midst of a global war that threatens free people across the world, as evidenced by attacks here in Washington, D.C., in New York City, in Bali, London, Madrid, Beslan, Jerusalem, Riyadh, and most recently at a wedding reception in Amman, Jordan. Innocent people -- mothers, fathers, children -- have been murdered by a network of Islamic extremists -- Islamofacists, if you will – seeking to impose their dark vision on free people. They seek to build in Iraq what they once had in Afghanistan -- a safe haven -- and then to expand throughout the region and beyond. Their terms are not negotiable." (Excerpted from Gary Bauer, "End of Day" Report, 11/16/05)
President Bush, too, called a retreat from Iraq a "recipe for disaster." Pray for protection of U.S. and Coalition troops and citizens and for the insurgency to be dismantled. Ask the LORD to shine a light on roadside bombs so that they could be avoided and defused.
Pray for Iraqi leaders, their staff and their families; that they be granted courage, resolve and protection. Continue to pray for the establishment of peace, good government, freedom, religious liberty and democracy in Iraq. (From: Intercessors for America)
Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from men of violence who plan to trip my feet. (Ps. 140:4 NIV)
Sign up to pray for the new Iraqi Leaders
A U.S. lawmaker says elements of the war on terror are now spilling across the nation's southwestern border and that a number of colleagues he's spoken to who, like him, have seen the problem first-had say they felt safer "during trips to Iraq than they would have in a pickup truck on our southern border."
Rep. John A. Culberson, R-Texas, also says there has been an increase in apprehensions of so-called "special interest aliens," or SIAs – aliens from countries where al-Qaida is known to be in operation – along the U.S.-Mexico border, and that American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are aware of it. Further, an increasing number of Texas law enforcement officials are reporting al-Qaida-related arrests and activity, and say the nation's porous borders are making it easier for suspected terrorists to infiltrate the U.S. Aliens from countries such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, Indonesia and the Sudan are entering our country illegally. "The FBI has received reports that individuals from these countries have attempted to enter the U.S. illegally using alien smuggling rings and assuming Hispanic appearances.
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Continue to pray for angelic as well as human protection along our borders. Praise the Lord that Congressional hearings are revealing the kinds of aliens who are crossing into the USA. Pray for cooperation from Mexico and Canada in keeping our borders safe from terrorists. Ask the Lord to intervene in persuading the Bush administration to attend to border safety.
Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me [USA]: fight against them that fight against me. (Psalm 35:1)
[Editorial note: Please INCREASE your intercession over our borders this week. Some are "hearing" that, because America has recently had a hand in forcing Israel to cede its sovereignty at the Rafah checkpoint, our own borders may now be threatened. The new policy will take effect in Israel on Friday, Nov. 25th.]
Atheist Michael Newdow, who sued to remove "under God" from the Pledge, is again taking advantage of America's freedoms and our legal system, by filing yet another destructive and expensive lawsuit. This time he has announced he will sue to have "In God We Trust" removed from our money. Some 9th Circuit judge will probably agree with him that after being legal for two hundred years or so, this phrase is suddenly unconstitutional. The only way to stop these constant harassment lawsuits is for Congress to remove religious expression lawsuits from judicial review -- just as Rep. Todd Akin is attempting to do with the proposed Pledge Protection Act. It is not the place of a few un-elected radical judges to legislate religious intolerance from the bench. (Religious Freedom Coalition)
Continue to pray for salvation for Michael Newdow, who has become a mouthpiece for the work of the enemy and who apparently does not realize that America is only great because of the blessings of God. Come against the spirit of blindness that has him bound, and pray for his salvation through the Blood of the Lamb.
The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no God." …Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? Who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord. (Psalm 14:1a, 4)
And they overcame him through the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death. (Rev. 12:11)
The Pilgrim legacy – courage, fortitude, faith, virtue, and brotherly-love – is the legacy of character that formed the cornerstone of America. The mission of "America's Hometown Thanksgiving Celebration" is to preserve the integrity of this legacy by focusing on key individuals and events in our American Pilgrimage where this character has been exemplified. The "Celebration" goal is to lead our nation in giving thanks for the blessings of this inheritance, by producing a Thanksgiving Celebration of excellence in Plymouth, America's Hometown, where Thanksgiving began.
America's Hometown Thanksgiving Celebration is sponsored by the Plymouth Rock Foundation. Plymouth Rock is also served by a national board which affirms the foundation's original mission, that is, to preserve and proclaim the Pilgrim story and their contribution to America. Also see
How wonderful to see the conviction of men who understand the purpose of the founding of this nation and who desire to see that legacy handed on and proclaimed to all who will listen. Over the centuries, since the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in our land, many have compromised the story of Plymouth and watered down its significance. Let's join in prayer this week that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- the God whom the Pilgrims themselves worshipped -- will indeed be honored BY NAME during this Thanksgiving and the He alone will receive the honor and the glory for the blessings our nation has enjoyed since our beginnings.
So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame. (Joel 2:25,26)
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