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Week of January 13, 2013
Coming Up This Week...
Stay tuned to The 700 Club for more news and commentary, celebrity interviews, and amazing stories of healing, deliverance, and financial blessing.
Missed a show last week? Visit our Previous Shows page to watch the most recent episodes. |
Monday 1/14
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Corey found out early that life is much better when you live under the favor of God.
When Baby Lesly was born, her mother had to hide the baby girl to keep her from being killed.
Tuesday 1/15
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Spending money as fast as she earned it, Cynthia found herself jobless and $30,000 in debt. She could have lost hope but instead she found it. See what she did to be free from debt and get her life back.
Wednesday 1/16
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Scott had become homeless after losing his wife to cancer. Then, God dramatically transformed his life and finances. Watch Scott's story and see what he says is the only step to take with your money.
Thursday 1/17
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When Greg’s company suddenly terminated his sales position, he and his wife Becca struggled to make ends meet. With no income, how could they feed their three small children?
Friday 1/18
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Al was used to challenges, having lost both legs to complications of diabetes, but then Hurricane Sandy sent several trees smashing through the roof of his bedroom. Al wondered how he was going to survive.
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