The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

October 2011





CBN News: Cain Emerges Victorious in Two GOP Straw Polls

See highlight's from Saturday's 50th Broadcast Anniversary festivities from the Virginia Beach campus.

Susan Michael discusses the diplomatic showdown over Palestinian statehood at the UN. 


CBN News: Above The Law? German Agency Destroys Families

Auburn's championship football coach, Gene Chiznik, shares his faith journey through the college football ranks.

Mike Evans encourages Christians to stand together in praying for Israel.


CBN News: Senate Ramping Up for Trade War with China

Rabbi Daniel Lapin addresses the significance of the nation of Israel and why Christians should pray for the Holy Land.

Gigi Erneta compromised her values to find success in Hollywood. Ultimately, she found Jesus.


CBN News: iSteve: the Life and Legacy of Steve Jobs

Pharmacist Suzy Cohenwill discuss how and which medications are robbing your body of essential nutrients.

Kevin Thompson had a violent childhood, lost two brothers before he was 20, then lost his wife and three children in a house fire. See how his anger with God changed.


CBN News: British Cafe Owners Harassed for Bible DVD

J.D. Hill was an NFL star who wound up in a crack house. See J.D. Hill's miracle story.
Jo Weitz felt unimportant, but God answered her prayer through a television show.

Bertha’s grandsons built her an adobe house. When the floods came everything Bertha had was washed away including her home.


CBN News: Paul, Cain, Romney Draw Buzz at Value Summit

Greg Mathis was an extremely overweight pastor who became convicted about the stronghold of gluttony. 

A runaway teen suffers sexual abuse and chooses life on the street. Years later as suicide appears to be the best solution, Billy Lind cries out to God for help.


CBN News: Terror Group Gaining Foothold in U.S. Government?

Dr. Carlos Campo & Alan Arroyo, EdD discuss how Regent University faculty have adapted the principles of Pat Robertson's,'The Secret Kingdom,' to teach educators how to use faith to  improve any educational setting. 

Pat Robertson brings another offering from his Secret Kingdom series with a teaching on The Law of Dominion.


CBN News: GOP Candidates Question Economic Plans

Michael Belk was a successful photographer who hit a dark place of fear and panic which he couldn't escape on his own.

NHL Hockey star Mike Fisher shares his expperience of being a man of faith on the ice and what it's like being married to Carrie Underwood.


CBN News: Occupy Wall Street's 'Political Fringe'

David Jones' struggle with porn began as a child. God sets him free as an adult.

The evangelist and prophetess, Sharon Stone, tells her story about being healed of brittle bones


CBN News: Ultrasounds Let Unborn 'Testify' on Capitol Hill

Paula Deen will discuss classic and new Southern cooking and why it is fundamental to the South.

Dede Nesbitt didn't believe her stepfather loved her as a child and as a result, she spent many years destroying her life as she chased after the love of men.


CBN News: Cain Scrutiny Intensifies as Popularity Soars

Dr. William Davis shares his story of dramatic weight loss by eliminating wheat from his diet.

CBN Sports’ Shawn Brown recently sat down with Tim Tebow to talk football, faith, and being a champion in both worlds.


CBN News: Gloves Off: Critics Take on Cain's 999 Plan

Tania Fiolleau was a foster child and runaway in Vancouver. Her decisions pushed her into a life of prostitution to survive.

Christian contemporary music artist, Dorothy Savage, overcame a destructive eating disorder by studying God's word which transformed her self-image.


CBN News: GOP Candidates Go For Front-Runners' Jugular

Hugh Ross shares how the book of Job provides information on the relationship between humans and animals.

Scott Hayes grew up a troublemaker. At 14, he began drinking and smoking pot. By adulthood, Scott was an alcoholic, drug dealer, and criminal.


CBN News: Obamas Tout Vets Jobs Plan as Bus Tour Ends

Michelle Aguillar shares her experience of winning Season 6 of Biggest Loser, and about her faith in Jesus Christ.

At 39 weeks into an uneventful pregnancy, Svetlana spiked a 104 degree temp and her baby, Sarah’s, heart rate exceeded hers. 


CBN News: Dems, GOP Look to Energize Young Voters

CBN Sports' Shawn Brown talks faith with players on the Texas Rangers and the St. Louis Cardinals as they gear up for the 2011 World Series.

John Calhoun suffered with a severe athlete’s foot condition until a prayer on the 700 Club made a difference.


CBN News: GOP Rivals Pummel Cain on Abortion Stance

Brenda Warner, wife of football great, Kurt Warner, discusses her life before and during her marriage to Kurt.

As a child, Debbie Pattenwitnessed her father stab her mother multiple times. To cope, she turned to drugs and alcohol.


CBN News: Unlikely Foes: Ohio Heartbeat Bill Splits Pro-Lifers

Arthur Agatston, MD will discuss how fast food and the sleep-deprived younger generation could be the most at risk for illness.

Randy Shanklestruggles with the desire to avenge his daughter's murder versus forgiving the murderer.


CBN News: Defining Manhood: Helping Today's Men Grow Up

Wellington Boone shares his insight on the powerful role that the Holy Spirit plays in our prayers.

Joe Fornear lived an active life as a pastor until he was diagnosed with advanced stage IV metastatice melanoma.


CBN News:Arab Spring Feeding Push for Islamic Caliphate

Keni Thomas shares leadership lessons he learned as part of the Army Rangers in the 1990's.

Josh Hamilton, the Texas Rangers All-Star, shares his tumultuous journey to baseball superstardom.


CBN News: Net Neutrality Socialism for the Internet

Tomasa Guglielmi's abusive relationship began in high school and continued into marriage. By the time she escaped, she had lost her identity and self worth.

John Lee Hooker, Jr. slid into a lifestyle of excessive drug use and criminal behavior that lasted for over 30 years, then one day from his hospital bed he cried out to Jesus.


CBN News: Gaza Rocket Barrage Against Israel Sparks war Talk

When Tim Thompson was five, his brother died in a drowning accident. Later, Tim wanted to contact his brother beyond the grave, introducing him to the world of the occult.

Florence Johnson grew up going to church, but her mother dabbled in the occult. By the time she was 14, Florence was a proclaimed atheist.