Founder, Messenger International, since 1990
Best-selling author, latest is rerelease of The Bait of Satan in 2011 with teaching DVD
His writings featured in numerous Christian periodicals
Wife: Lisa; four sons
John Bevere: The Deadly Trap of Offense
The 700 Club
Air Date: April 28, 2011
John says that one of Satan’s most deceptive tactics is something all Christians have encountered: offense. While offense itself is not deadly, he believes if we allow it to grow in our hearts, it can produce much fruit like anger, outrage, jealousy, resentment, strife, bitterness, etc.
Those who are offended are sometimes oblivious to their condition because they are so focused on the wrong that was done to them. There are two types of offended people: (1) those who have been mistreated; and (2) those who think they have been mistreated but actually were not. Offenses of the heart that are not dealt with end up leading to betrayal and betrayals not dealt with end up in hatred. “An offended heart is the breeding ground of deception,” says John.
John says in Luke 17:1 It is impossible that no offenses should come. The Greek work for offend comes from the word skand which originally referred to the part of the trap to which the bait was attached. That word signifies laying a trap in someone’s way. The Bible reminds us that people we are close to or spend time with can offend us deeply. He reminds us that we set ourselves up for offense by setting unrealistic expectations. John says if we want to walk with God we do not have the right to be offended.
People don’t get prayers answered because of offense. Offended Christians have never realized fully or have forgotten what they were forgiven for. “Offense cuts you off from God,” says John. “We separate ourselves from the pipeline. I’ve never seen anything block blessings from heaven except offense.”
John personally went through a deep wounding offense. Several years after being a Christian, a role model in John’s life hurt him deeply, but John was too proud to admit he was offended. Soon the power of God grew cold in his life. “Going to church was a thing to do and ministry was an occupation, not a passion,” says John. “I cried out to God and I forgave,” says John. “But why was I still being tormented?” Acts 24:16 And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense toward God, and toward men.
John felt the Lord insist that he go to the man who offended him. John asked for forgiveness for being critical and judgmental of him (the offender). The man softened and after their meeting, John knew he was truly free from the offense. John reminds us that the ultimate objective and end result in releasing offense is reconciliation.
John says thousands of Christians are experiencing the freedom that living free of offense brings. There is a medical doctor in Florida who prescribes The Bait of Satan (TBOS) for some types of cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Many of his patients have been healed and received answers to prayer after releasing offenses.
Recently a famous surfer gave his life to the Lord after reading TBOS. One pastor’s wife in Arizona was about ready to commit suicide. She looked up and saw TBOS and read the entire book that night. Today she is free and joyful. Another couple in Florida were just about to quit their ministry. Their pastor fell into immorality. As a last resort, they went to hear John preach about releasing offenses at a conference and are in ministry today because of what they learned. “The love of God is the key to freedom from the baited trap of offense,” says John. “This must be a love that continually grows and is strengthened in our hearts.”
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