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Founder, HeartWing Ministries
Author, The Sassy Girl’s Checklist for Living, Loving, & Overcoming (2007) and The Real Deal on Overcoming Heartache (Formerly released as What Becomes of the Brokenhearted - 2001)
Conference Speaker
Award-winning freelance art director, writer, producer, and voice-over talent for national TV and radio commercials
Co-host of Emmy-nominated show, Aspiring Women – You can’t stop smiling; have butterflies in your stomach and your head in the clouds. Some people use phrases like this to describe what it’s like to fall in love, but when someone you love decides to end a relationship, the feelings are just as powerful. In her book, The Real Deal on Overcoming Heartache, author and speaker, Michelle McKinney Hammond describes her first heartbreak, “The wind was knocked out of my sails. The shame, the pain, nauseated and paralyzed me.”
Through life experiences and by searching the Scriptures, Michelle found that there is hope for the broken-hearted. “As I looked through Scripture at those who had encountered heartbreak, I was struck by what a difference attitude can make in the outcome of an encounter with unwelcome pain,” she writes. She says we can go through difficult times and come out stronger. Life isn’t over when we get hurt and wounded. There are steps to help us come back to wholeness.
The Real Deal on Overcoming Heartache contains steps to find healing. Some of those steps include owning your feelings, releasing the offense and the offender and rebuilding your temple, Michelle says. She explains further:
ADMIT WHERE YOU AREOften times, when we’re heartbroken we go into denial, but it’s important that we’re honest with ourselves and with the Lord about how we’re feeling. “To acknowledge where we are means we have to deal with how we got there. Or we might actually have to take God’s suggestions on how to get out of where we presently stand.” Michelle suggests being honest with the Lord about all your feelings, “the good, the bad, and the ugly. God already knows how you feel anyway,” she says, “so you might as well let it all hang out. He wants you to say it out loud so that you can hear it so that you can know what you stand in need of. So that you will not move until your healing is complete.”
ACKNOWLEDGE ANGER… BUT MOVE ON“We don’t talk about anger a lot because it’s just not… well… Christian to be angry. Or so goes the perception,” writes Michelle. She says that it is a normal emotion to have when we feel we’ve been wronged and has nothing to do with our faith. It’s important to acknowledge who you are angry with: yourself, the one who wronged you and God, but be careful not to fall into unforgiveness. “Do not harbor bitterness in you heart,” she writes. She urges that those hurt should understand the power of forgiveness and releasing the person that has hurt you.
LET GOSometimes in life you will reach a point where you must let go. Whether it’s a relationship where you’re fighting a one-sided battle to keep your partner from leaving, or hanging on to a relationship that’s been over for a long time already, you need to let go in order to heal. “The closer you hold the pain to your breast, babying, nursing, and rehearsing the offense, the disappointment, the travesty that occurred, the longer it will take to heal,” Michelle continues, “While we’re not able to lift ourselves, God is there to lift us. Casting our cares on the Lord also means that we should release our ideas of how God should remedy the situation."
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