The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Fritz Kling: The Meeting of the Waters

CBN.comFritz Kling created the Kling Philanthropy Group to help individuals, families and foundations make gifts with more purpose and confidence and to help them experience the full joy and contentment of giving. Based on 20 years of direct experience in the creation and management of philanthropic giving and fundraising efforts, he  built the Kling Philanthropy Group upon a unique foundation of philanthropic expertise and major donor service.

Kling has learned how to “connect the dots” in understanding how forces, secular and sacred, ancient and modern, spiritual and physical, domestic and international, influence Christian ministry.

By directing grants, Kling helps various organizations around the world and ministries that are dependent upon fellow Christians for financial support. Kling’s job enabled him to meet with indigineous church leaders. Foundations have an unmatched exposure to kingdom work in all nations, of all types, of all denominations.

Foundations like the one Kling runs is not limited to one denomination or to one focus like church planting or media ministry or youth work, but they look on all up-and-comers. God uses the foundation as a platform to provide Kling with what he regards as “a uniquely broad and current glimpse into Kingdom work around the world.” Over the past eight years Kling has met with more than a thousand indigenous church leaders from forty different countries. Kling has witnessed globalization’s wake firsthand through a Christian lens.

Globalization has many aspects. Kling says globalization is where all countries and regions are being affected by the same massive trends at the same time.

“The pace of globalization is unfathomable,” says Kling. It is seen clearly in epidemics, economic meltdowns, Slumdog Millionaire, and the World Cup, and even through something as trivial as a viral YouTube video. Youth everywhere are influenced more by MTV and the internet than by their youth groups, and all Christian ministries are either enhanced or impeded by these unseen, unrelenting trends.  Through the years of experience Kling has been convinced that Christian leaders have difficulty making the connections between globalization and the challenges and opportunities facing the Kingdom. Kling’s job gave him the perfect excuse to do just that, out of this opportunity The Meeting of the Waters surfaced.

The Meeting of the Waters  takes a global look at seven currents that are affecting the world today. “Each of the currents are major and interconnected,” says Kling. “These currents are not particular to Uganda, China, India or the United States. They are predictable and pervasive.” The Meeting of the Waters hopes to help people in different parts of the world, to understand, determine, and adapt to the situation in their own locale. The seven currents include: 

  1. Migration: moving in to a foreign culture on the rise.
  2. Mutuality: is needed where people with apparent power and wealth interact with those obviously without.
  3. Machines: Cellphones, computers, Global positioning systems (GPS) and Geographic Information systems (GIS) connect people and cultures around the world, enabling better—quicker services to more people, and in greater collaboration.
  4. Monoculture: is emerging as multinational corporations create common world tastes within global markets.
  5. Mercy: the willingness to take detours off the beaten path to fill gaping holes, both spiritually and physically for those who need it.
  6. Mediation: being in the difficult but critical position of reconciling the global church and our culture.
  7. Memory: when historical events or circumstances hold powerful sway in modern life.
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