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CBN Partners are making a difference sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Find out how. - "I didnt have the strength to brush my teeth. I could not get out of bed."
Rebecca Greensteins body was as limp as a rag doll. She could barely put one foot in front of the other. In 24 hours she had gone from a hard driving real estate agent working six days a week to an invalid. Doctors eventually diagnosed her with a condition known as environmental illness.
"It affected every area of my life," she says. "I couldnt use any cosmetics, no shampoo, no hairspray, not even toothpaste. Things that you do every day and take very easily for granted I couldnt touch, because I would have such violent reactions."
When traditional medicine didnt work, Rebecca tried alternative treatments.
"It got to the point that we were so desperate, we were paying people to make potions for me. I was getting acupuncture, and nothing was helping -- absolutely nothing."
Rebeccas exhaustive search for a natural treatment led to a woman named Karen. She suggested a spiritual solution for her condition.
"I was trying to find out information about a natural procedure," says Rebecca. "She [Karen] ended up telling me about spiritual things. That was the first exposure that I had to Christianity and Christ."
This wasnt the answer that Rebecca wanted to hear.
"Growing up as the daughter of a holocaust survivor, I had a very strong connection to my Jewish identity. We would frequently go to synagogue. We observed all of Jewish tradition. I ended up hanging up [the phone], thinking in my heart that I would probably never call her again, because accepting Jesus wasnt an option."
As a last resort, Rebecca and her father moved to a house in Arizona. Rebeccas health continued to deteriorate.
"I was so suicidal that my dad could no longer leave me alone in the house," Rebecca recalls. "I was always thinking about killing myself."
But in the midst of Rebeccas despair, Karen called again. Rebecca was ready to listen.
"I was desperate. I was moments away from taking my own life. We had exhausted every possibility in the natural to get help for myself. And she [Karen] said give this a shot. So I really just did because there was nothing else to do. I thought maybe, so I repeated the sinners prayer. She led me to confess Jesus Christ as Lord of my life."
Shortly after making her confession, Rebecca was contacted by a ministry in Jacksonville, Fla., which offered to take care of her.
bathed me and they fed me and they prayed for me and they fasted for me. Slowly
I began to notice a shift in my body. It was remarkable."
Rebecca was told about the God of the Old and New Testament. Every night they would play the Bible on tape to expose her to the Word of God.
"I was willing to go along with what they were telling me because it was working," Rebecca says. "There was actually a part of me that thought to myself, I will just stay here, get healed, and get out of here and go on with my life."
Rebeccas health improved to the point that she was able to explore the Bible for herself. One night, while flipping through its pages, she came face to face with her Messiah.
"The Lord, through His Word, made Himself very, very real to me and by His Spirit visited me in a life transforming way. He did show me that He was the Son of God and He was there to heal my body if I cried out to Him. It was then that I truly accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. Although I had the divine revelation that Jesus Christ was indeed the Messiah, the Son of God, I had a body that was still very sick and I was completely bedridden. I had heard about a church in Orlando, Fla., where the minister prays for the sick and healing and miracles take place, so it was very strong in my spirit to get there."
Rebecca made the trip to the church.
"I will never forget that night. It was March 27, 1994. It was actually the first night of Passover. I was in the pew and the minister came out and we began worshiping the Lord. I began noticing burning sensations. Every part of my body was burning and I thought I was really crazy. I thought I was having a nervous breakdown after all the years of stress and trauma. I didnt really understand what was going, and so before I knew it, I was on the platform. The presence of the Lord was so strong I knew that something was happening, and within hours the illness was gone. I just had strength that I hadnt had for years. I was having surges of energy rushing through me."
is experiencing life like she never thought possible. She is now enjoying
life in Gods Son.
"It is amazing now when I think about it, because I cannot imagine a life without knowing the Lord. He has given me so much peace. My life hasnt been the same since I met my Messiah."
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