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God Still Speaks: The Dove and the Sparrow

By Brooke Keith
Guest Writer -Following the will of God is such a beautiful thing. When we’re following in the way God sets before us we will begin to see wonderful things happening all around us. Most of all, we feel this overwhelming sense of joy that can’t be broken even in the toughest circumstance. Thus, many of us are surprised to find that when we take such a great interest in the Lord, the Devil takes a great interest in us.

About two years ago, God and I embarked upon a whirlwind adventure together. I began a writing ministry. It was the very moment I made the decision to hear God’s call loud and clear - that all the stars aligned in perfect order. I met new people that took me to new heights in my career. God placed others in my path that needed to hear something I had to say. I began to see great things unfolding before my very eyes! But the closer I got to God - the more I noticed the Devil was not happy with this at all!

It had been one of those months where I just felt like I was juggling way too much on my plate. Not only did I have this great responsibility of following God’s plan, but I also had a house full of toddlers who were going through one of those phases and a husband whose job was getting the better of him. All the while, I was also carrying the burdens that came with this new found season. In a constant ball of nerves, what was supposed to be my finest hour became flooded by this sense of unrest.

Kids fighting in the background, a pile of work on my desk that just kept growing and personal issues that weighed upon my heart seemed to just hit my spirit in the wrong way one day. So, I slipped away quietly into the bathtub, closed the shower curtain, and began to cry. “God, it’s me. I only want to do what you want me to do, but lately I feel like it’s just not enough. Everything is out of order here at home and I just don’t know how much longer I can go on carrying these new burdens - God you are important to me. Please bring me peace. Please bring me peace.”

My eyes closed tightly, I began to hear the words of Matthew 6:26 echoing softly in my mind,

“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?”

I could almost see a little sparrow there in my mind, and I imagined God scooping him up into the palm of His hand. Still I wrestled with this in my mind, and I tried to convince myself that God just doesn’t speak today like He did 2000 years ago.

The next day I woke up and decided to do a little reading to get my day off to a better start. Opening my Bible, the story of Gideon lay before me. Gideon is distraught when God tells him to rescue Israel from the Midianites. The Midianites came into Israel ruining all their crops, taking over their homes, and killing off all their livestock.

Everyone had basically run and hid - fearing this enemy. Fearing his own weakness Gideon says to God, 'I am the least of my family, I am weak ... You want me to rescue Israel? Sheesh - God I’m going to need a sign so I will know you are really going to help me achieve this.'

Gideon tells God to leave morning dew on just the fleece outside his tent and none on the moss. He wakes up to just that. Still not believing, he tells God to do just the opposite the next day. 'God leave dew on the moss and let the fleece be bone dry, and then I’ll believe it’s you.' Again God did just that. And Gideon? He goes on to do just what God asks of him. Gideon was a weak man, but he had the strength of all mighty God behind him!

This didn’t make much sense to me. I was hoping for something inspiring to my circumstance. Guess that was just fitting to the way the rest of this month had been. Just then, I began to hear the wind knocking on my window time and time again. I lifted the blinds, and what did I see? A dove sitting right outside. I felt a sense of peace but began to question this “sign” in my mind. God is it really you? I just wasn’t sure.

I went about my day again and found myself back at the window hours later. This time, next to the dove was a tiny sparrow - they were pecking the ground together eating, the rain falling all around them. They weren’t scared. They didn’t move. They stayed outside my window seven hours, never once flying away. It was then that I closed my eyes tightly and knew the dove represented God, and I the sparrow.

Walking together we could face anything - rain or wind. Everything I hungered for would be mine. Every place God would lead me, we would arrive safely at our destination - together.

The birds finally flew away when the orange sun just barely peeked from behind a cloud in the west. Watching them flying in the air off into the sunset - I knew exactly what was happening. All of my worries were being whisked away to Heaven - on the wings of a dove and a sparrow.

God had answered my prayers alright, in the most awesome way. Everything orchestrated together as only God can do. If ever you find yourself in the same kind of season - don’t let your joy be stolen! The Devil is usually interested in things he is most afraid of, and what could be scarier to the Devil than doing mighty things for God?

So hang in there - I know God is sending your “dove and sparrow” soon. God still speaks today. Listen closely ... can you hear Him?

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Brooke KeithBrooke Keith is the author of many books for children and a long time writer for many well-loved ministries around the world. She is a wife of one very amazing man and a mom to their five equally amazing kids. But most of all, Brooke is a girl head over heels for her Savior and finds His love far too wonderful to keep to herself. When Brooke is not busy searching for her toddlers missing shoe you can find her on her blog.

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