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October 2: Day to Prayer for Jerusalem's Peace

The 700 Club

CBN.comRobert Stearns, worship leader and founder of Eagles’ Wings Ministries, is praying for the peace of Jerusalem, and he’s calling others to do the same. A day of prayer for the peace of Jerusalem has been established and is held on the first Sunday of every October each year until the return of Jesus. Last year more than 50,000 churches and 70 nations united in this prayer initiative, and double that number are expected to participate this year on October 3, 2005. Robert and over 500 other major Christian leaders are following God’s mandate from the Psalms to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

PAT ROBERTSON: Would you please welcome back to The 700 Club Robert Stearns. Robert, I understand 53 churches, 72 nations?

ROBERT STEARNS (Founder Eagles' Wings Ministries): Well, we had an extraordinary response for the first Sunday day of prayer for the peace of Jerusalem last year. You were with us at the Rose Garden in the Knesset. And we had 53,000 churches and 72 nations around the world, 27 languages. The Lord is raising up watchman on the wall to fulfill the biblical mandate to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

PAT ROBERTSON: That’s what it says. “Blessed are they that love you. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” And I was there. It coincided, of course, with the Feast of Tabernacles. And that’s coming up very shortly, Rosh Hashanah and then sukkot. This is a key time. Do you see the prophetic significance in this particular feast in the Bible?

ROBERT STEARNS: I really do. I believe that the season of the high holy days is just such a special time, and Christians around the world are awakening to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and the reality that God has His hand on Israel in such a covenantal and unique way. And so the first Sunday of October day of prayer has been positioned to coincide with the high holy days so that Christians around the world in the season of the high holy days are standing in prayer on behalf of Jerusalem.

PAT ROBERTSON: What birthed this in your mind? What brought it to pass?

ROBERT STEARNS: It began in New York City several years ago. I was invited into the Israel consulate to host a day of prayer with local pastors in the New York City area. God sparked a wonderful relationship with the ambassador who was there at the consulate, and that event began to grow. And out of that, Dr. Jack Hayford joined us, and he, of course, serves as the co-chairman of this movement. When he added his strength and his emphasis to this movement, it began to expand globally. We now have over a thousand major Christian leaders of global significance who have banded together in this coalition all around the world. It’s very exciting.

PAT ROBERTSON: Christians love Israel. I think the Jews know that, too, don’t they, the Israelis?

ROBERT STEARNS: I think more than ever local Israelis are beginning to understand the distinction between Bible-believing evangelical Christians and the more mainline, liturgical. And so, they are beginning to understand that Bible-believing Christians who believe in the covenants of God are the best friends that Israel and the Jewish people have. In this day of rising anti-Semitism globally, it’s more important than ever that Christians are clear on their stand.

PAT ROBERTSON: Israel really is beleaguered, isn’t it? I mean from what I can see, with giving up Gaza and the pressure that’s being put to bear against Israel and United Nations and the nations of the world, this is a crucial time for this little nation.

ROBERT STEARNS: It’s an extraordinary time for this nation and globally for the Jewish people who do not live in the nation of Israel. There is a very real rise of anti-Semitism just 50 or 60 years after Hitler. It’s extraordinary. But the enemy—Satan hates the Jewish people, because they stand as a representative of the covenants of God in the earth. And so folks who want to be involved in the day of prayer for the peace of Jerusalem can join these thousands of churches around the world on the first Sunday of October and take their stand on this important issue.

PAT ROBERTSON: That’s October 2, the first Sunday.

ROBERT STEARNS: That’s right.

PAT ROBERTSON: Is there anything in particular they have to do?

ROBERT STEARNS: They can visit the web site and they can register their church. There are materials available to them there that they can download and get sent to them. We encourage them to appoint a coordinator in their local church. It’s really a grass roots mobilization that’s happening around the world.

PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I believe people want to do this. There is this replacement theology, which I think is so pernicious. And there is the feeling among the Muslim people that really extirpate the Jews, not just Israel, but the whole Jewish race.

ROBERT STEARNS: That’s right. And, of course, Hitler came for the Jews, but radical Islam is standing against Jews and Christians alike, all of the infidels. And so those of us who are of the Judeo-Christian worldview have to wake up to what is happening in this generation.

PAT ROBERTSON: Our hope is in the Lord, isn’t it? Prayer is more important than all the weapons that we’ve got and anti-terrorism fighters, all of that.

ROBERT STEARNS: The weapons of this warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to pulling down of strongholds. And that’s why it’s time for the church to heed the shofar of God, the trumpet of God that is blowing, calling us to awaken as watchmen on the wall.

PAT ROBERTSON: Well, Robert, thank you for being with us. Robert Stearns. Ladies and gentlemen, your church, you as an individual, you can pray. But pray for Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Sunday is being set aside as a day of prayer for the peace of Jerusalem, Sunday, October 2. And we’re just delighted that Robert can be here with us. I shared with him a marvelous moment over there in Jerusalem last year at the Feast of Tabernacles.

ROBERT STEARNS: It was a great honor to have you with us.

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