The Christian Broadcasting Network


Getting a Better Job in a Tough Economy

By Tim Smith
The 700 Club

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CBN.comWhen Terry Weeks started working in the music business, he occasionally gave to his church.

“I kind of feel like that’s ‘tipping God,’” he says. “You’re not fully obeying His Word and trusting Him to take care of your finances.”

Terry realized he needed to give a tithe, or ten percent, of his income.

“When we do that, right off the top, we put our finances in supernatural hands,” Terry believes. “So the Lord started blessing my income, and blessing my business. And my life just totally changed. I couldn’t explain it. I was able to buy a house. So the Lord really, really blessed.”

Terry and his wife Holly say their faithfulness in giving continued to grow.

“I was at home that particular day, watching TV; and I was watching The 700 Club,” Terry remembers. “I just felt impressed to get up and give $100.”

Holly was a school teacher, and had recently applied for a summer job at the school to supplement their income.

“That afternoon, Holly came home from work. I’ll never forget it, I was sitting on the side of the bed, and she came and sat on the side of the bed with me,” Terry says. “She said, ‘Guess what happened to me today?’ I said, ‘What?’ She said, ‘They hired me today.’ I said, ‘Really?’”

“That was a big surprise,” Holly says. “And after I told him that, that’s when he told me he had given $100 that very day.”

Terry decided to test God again.

“I said, ‘You know what? I’m going to give an extra $50 this month and see what God does,’” Terry says. “And that following Monday, a guy calls me on the phone and he said, ‘Terry, I’ve got a grand piano here I’m going to give you.’”

Terry owned an old upright piano, but as a musician, he had always wanted a grand piano.

“I said, ‘Really?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘Why?’ He said, ‘God spoke to me and told me to give you this grand piano I have at my house.’ So that happened the following week, and this piano sits over here behind me,” Terry motions to the grand piano.

In 2005, Terry and Holly became members of CBN’s 1000 Club.

“I just felt lead to become a regular member and send regular offerings,” Terry says. “I love Operation Blessing because it helps so many people in so many disasters that happen - like Haiti, Katrina, tornadoes, and what have you. Operation Blessing is always one of the first ones on the scene to help.”

“If a person is struggling in their business or finances, give to God, give to God,” he stresses. “Give God something to work with. Plant a seed in His garden, and He will repay you.”

“You may get a raise. Somebody may pay a bill for you. It comes in supernaturally. You can’t explain it. We’ve lived by this for years, and we have proved God over and over,” Terry says.

“And I love that old song, ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. How I’ve proved him o’er and o’er,’” he says.

Terry and Holly discovered a powerful truth from God’s Word. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (NIV)

God wants to bless you too, just as He has blessed the Weeks. One way you can give to God’s work is through CBN. Not only will you reach thousands each day with a message of truth and hope through The 700 Club, you will also help feed and clothe children around the world, bring medical aid to those suffering and so much more. Please join with us today.

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