The Christian Broadcasting Network


Triple the Beauty

By Gorman Woodfin
The 700 Club

Partner With CBN

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Partner Profiles

Freedom from Financial Fear

Escaping the Paycheck to Paycheck Life

You Can Love Your Work “If we give, we receive. I like the fact that He tells us if you give, you’ll be paid back in full measure, pressed down, shaken up, spilling over. I love that, and He proves Himself to me all the time.”

Kris Gardner of Boardman, Ohio, is a woman with a mission. She is driven to give to God’s work and CBN.

Wearing several hats, Kris is a mother, a business owner, a hair stylist, and has her own hair care Website.

But not long ago, her businesses were far from successful.

“My business was failing. I had been suffering for two and a half years. I was taking the blunt end of all the bills. I just couldn’t do it any more.”

In her business, Kris rented out space to other hairdressers. Shortly after buying the business, she lost all her renters.

To try to make ends meet, Kris started her own. She sells hair care products.

“I own a Web site that has not had any sales. I worked on it for months. I got it up and running.”

For four months there was not one order on her site,

But Kris made an unusual decision. While watching The 700 Club, she decided to give out of her need.

And the result was amazing.

“March 22, I gave $20 and March 23 I received my first order, and it was plenty enough to cover the $20. Three days later I received another order. I decided after a couple months I was going to up my giving. I was gonna give $40, and the Lord continued to bless me enough to give whatever I was giving.”

Now not only has her Web site seen a turnaround, but her beauty salon has several new hair stylists.

“Just recently in my business… I have tripled my income -- tripled in less than a year.”

Kris loves to raise her giving level during a “700 Club challenge.”

“Other members call in, and they’ll give like a $100,000 challenge. What they’re asking for is, if enough people call in and give a $100,000, they’ll match it. So it’s $200,000. That’s why I love to give during the challenges because it’s not as if I’m giving $84, it’s $168! I love that.”

Now as a 2500 Club member, Kris truly believes in the power of giving.

“He tells you to give, and we will receive. He’ll make it so that the windows of heaven open up, and we can’t contain His blessings.”

Kris saw the rewards of applying the Law of Reciprocity -- "Give and it shall be given to you" -- by giving to CBN. Here is your chance to give to the Lord and see your dollars bring truth to hurting people, feed and clothe needy children, keep The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center phone lines operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and provide medical care to those who need a tangible touch of God's love. Become a CBN partner today!

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38 NIV

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