The Christian Broadcasting Network

International Outreach

What’s Stronger Than Rock?

By Ken Hulme
The 700 Club

Partner With CBN

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You Can Love Your Work —For years, many have tried and failed to dig wells in Oy’s village in Thailand. The drill bits always broke on the bedrock below the surface.  Despite many setbacks, Oy and her husband, who are Christians, believed that God would provide a well for them. 
Their Buddhist relatives felt differently.

“Our neighbors and family members were watching,” Oy told CBN.  “They said, ‘It won’t work, not even God can do it.’” 
Oy’s village had been trying to solve its water problem for decades.  Their one source of water, a pond, had nearly dried up. 
“Now the water is thick and black,” said Oy. “Sometimes I find leeches or earthworms in it. It’s not fit for drinking or even bathing!” 

If the family wanted water to drink, they had to buy it. If they wanted to do laundry or bathe the children, they had to hire a motorcycle to take them to a pond far from home.  The water wasn’t much better there. 

“The water in the pond is very dirty,” said Oy. “I often see cow dung there.  After their baths they get skin rashes.  My sons say, ‘Mama, I’m so itchy!’”  
So Oy was determined not to give up hope that someone could dig a well in her village.  She asked CBN to give it a try.  
“People were waiting to laugh at us as CBN started to drill. But all the Christians in our village prayed that they would succeed in digging a well,” said Oy. 
This time, the drill bit held up and broke through the bedrock to fresh, clean drinking water!
“The Lord made water come out of a rock!” said Oy excitedly. “We were all very happy. I wanted to cry because I was overflowing with joy.”
Oy’s Buddhist family members were so amazed by what happened, that they prayed to become Christians!
“Before, I didn’t believe in Jesus,” Oy’s mother told CBN. “But with my own eyes, I saw the water come out of the rock! Now, I know the truth, and I have faith in Jesus.”
Oy is delighted that other family members are also coming to church, and everyone is thrilled with the gift of fresh, clean water.   
“I would call what happened in our village a true miracle!” Oy said happily. “It made me believe that if we ask from God, we will receive. He gave us the water through CBN and it never runs out! God can do anything!”

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