The Christian Broadcasting Network


Achieving Your Dream

By Tim Branson and Shawn Brown
The 700 Club

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Riverside, CA – Jamal Samuel has always worked hard pursuing his dream of going to college and becoming an architect. But he faced challenges most college bound kids don’t. Just a few years ago, he, his mother and sister were homeless.

“I was angry and confused,” says Jamal, “frightened, like almost everything in the book. I kept on praying because I’ve actually like never really prayed so much in my life. I cried about it. I kept on wondering why. I felt like really alone actually."

Jamal’s mom, Claudette, lost her job after suffering two brain aneurisms and developing blood clots in her legs. Then she lost her home. But Jamal was determined to keep his dream alive.

“I’ve seen thing happen to people like when they don’t’ go to school or like they don’t go to college,” says Jamal. “Even though some people do make it, I was like really scared. I was like, I always wanted to be good and take care of my mom when I got older.”

Finally, the family found refuge at Path of Life ministries in Riverside, California. CBN partners with Path of Life because they help families who have fallen on hard times. Tracy Fitzsimmons is the Chief Operating Officer at Path of Life.

“The goal in three simple words,” says Tracy, “is to rescue, restore and rebuild lives. And give peoplea safe and clean and warm environment and then we move them through the process of uh what ever those next steps are for them towards self reliance.”

Jamal and his family stayed at Path of Life’s transitional housing with food and shelter. He could focus on school. But he says it was more than that.

“They took care of us really well,” remembers Jamal. “They actually gave my family hope because of the Bible sessions where people were giving their testimonies and like they were showing how good God is and so it made me feel like I was a part of them too because like I had a story of my own as well. And I realized I’m not alone.”

Jamal graduated high school with honors and now he’s a student at the University of California – Berkley studying architecture. And with the help of Path of Life and ministries like CBN, Jamal’s family recently moved into their very own apartment.

“I’m like really, really amazed and blessed,” says Jamal. “I feel really blessed. I would say like, thank you and God bless you, and keep doing what you’re doing, because there are a lot of people out there that need God in their lives.”

You can help transform lives of children and adults in the United States and round the world when you joing the 700 Club. Please join today and help us continue to reach those in need.

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