Dr. Harriet Hudson
Consultant to Bee-Alive
Quick Tips for a Healthier
Diet and a More Energized Life
We all know we should be eating a more nutritious diet.
It's important for our overall health, and also for maintaining higher
energy levels. It's not that we don't want to eat better
but it
can be a bit overwhelming. In our fast-paced society, between work,
family, church and other responsibilities and activities, it's amazing
that we even get to the grocery store
let alone prepare a meal.
We're surrounded by dietary options that are way more convenient for
our hectic lifestyles, from fast food to processed food in the grocery
store. Who has the time to really plan out a healthier diet? Maybe it
would be different if you could afford a personal nutritionist and chef.
But you're not a Hollywood celebrity. For most of us "average Joes
and Janes," a healthier diet amounts to a smaller size order of
French fries at the fast food restaurant.
Maybe you can't do a complete overhaul of your diet right now
and you may not need to. The important thing is to be aware of healthy
dietary practices, and to be always moving in the direction of a healthier
lifestyle; even if it's only one small step at a time. There are scores
of excellent books on the market to help you make improvements in
your diet. But we'd like to offer a few quick suggestions that you
can focus on right now. Even if you just incorporate one of these
tips today, you'll be a step closer to a healthier diet and a more
energized life.
1. Cut back on the red meat. Too much beef is not a good thing
and not just because of the "Mad Cow" scare! The average
American eats burgers three times a week. Studies continue to point
to the fact that "less is more" when it comes to eating
beef. Heavy consumption of red meat has been linked to heart disease
and certain types of cancer, among other health-related problems.
2. Cut back on the sugar. You know from your family dentist
that sugar can promote tooth decay. Beyond that, however, there may
be other dangers from too much sugar. Studies have proven that sugars
(carbohydrates) cause increases in insulin levels in the blood. Over
a period of years, an increased level of insulin can lead to a condition
known as "insulin resistance" in susceptible people, which
could lead to Type 2 Diabetes. Too much insulin also causes food to
be converted into body fat, which leads to obesity. In addition, high
insulin levels can cause cholesterol deposits in the arteries and
high blood pressure. In 2003, a report commissioned by the World Health
Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization recommended
that people get no more than ten percent of their calories from sugar.
The report was prepared in an effort to help stem the global epidemic
of obesity-related diseases. (CNN.com) When it comes to sugar intake,
moderation is definitely the key.
3. Minimize salt intake. For years, medical experts have been
touting a diet low in salty foods as key to a healthier lifestyle.
Most Americans consume too much salt, according to the National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute. Salt increases average levels of blood pressure,
and higher blood pressure, as we know, is linked to increased risk
of heart disease/attack, or stroke. Keep an eye on "Nutrition
Facts" labels to compare the amount of sodium in processed foods.
Try using herbs, spices and fruits for flavoring instead of salt.
4. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The U.S. Dietary
Guidelines for Americans include choosing a variety of fruits and
vegetables daily. While at least five fruits and vegetables are recommended
each day, the average American eats only three. Studies recognized
by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, and the National Academy of Sciences suggest that
the nutritional goodness of fruits and vegetables, particularly those
containing vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber, as part of a diet low in
fat, saturated fat and cholesterol that contains plenty of whole-grain
breads and cereals, may decrease the risk of heart disease and some
types of cancer.
5. Eat smaller meals, six times a day, to keep your body well
nourished. You'll be amazed at how consistently good you feel
when you keep your body nourished throughout the day, instead of waiting
for long stretches of time for your next meal. Smaller, more frequent
meals that focus on protein and vegetables, with a few carbohydrates
like rice, are easy to prepare; will help keep you feeling nourished
and energized through the day; and will keep you from "pigging
out" from hunger when you sit down to eat.
6. Don't skip meals! Make a conscious effort every day to
eat meals on a regular schedule, and not to skip any meal -- especially
breakfast! Consistency in diet and eating habits goes a long way.
You'll feel better and perform better!
7. Make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals.
Most of us are not getting the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of nutrients
from the food we eat due to pollution, poor soil conditions, over-processing,
and our fast-paced lifestyles. That's why even medical doctors are
touting the benefits of supplementation. Dietary supplements are not
a substitute for adequate food intake, because they don't provide
the necessary calories essential for energy production. But a good
multivitamin/mineral supplement is important for overall nutrition.
In addition, many people find it helpful to supplement their diet
with Royal Jelly , a natural food substance from the beehive. Royal
Jelly consists of many nutritious bioactive compounds that can be
beneficial in many ways, particularly in increasing your energy, stamina
and vitality.*
Improving your dietary habits does not have to be an overwhelming
project. Take a step at a time and you'll find that you really can
eat your way to a healthier, more energized life!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. As with any natural product, individual results
will vary.
For more information about Bee-Alive or Royal Jelly, please visit
If you purchase Bee-Alive Royal Jelly products, part of the proceeds
support CBN ministries.
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