december 20, 2006
Rocky Balboa Ministry Resources Available Online
From the very first shot of the original Rocky movie, a painting of Jesus looks down on the boarded up former church that served as the gym where Sylvester Stalone's character fought in cheap local fights. The man behind the Rocky phenomenon, Sylvester Stalone, notes that these strategically placed spiritual references demonstrate the Hand of Providence throughout his life. “The character of Rocky was built on the idea that he was chosen to do something," says writer, director and actor Stallone. "That’s why the first image in Rocky is the picture of Christ.”
Rocky Balboa, which opens in theaters nationwide today, is the latest installment in MGM’s Rocky film series.
To celebrate the theme of faith that runs throughout the Rocky films -- and is especially evident in this latest, and final Rocky movie, Motive Entertainment has created a number of Rocky Balboa resources and outreach tools and packaged them in an Outreach Box that is free to ministry leaders.
This kit is designed for faith, educational, and community leaders to help tell the story of Rocky – one of courage, faith, and perseverance. The kit includes:
- Resource DVD
- Leader’s Guide
- Fliers
- Posters
- Additional promotional items.
In addition, a Web site -- -- has been designed to provide useful tools to learn about Rocky Balboa, the final round in the award-winning Rocky franchise. Leaders are encouraged to utilize the film as a teaching, preaching or outreach opportunity.
A Leader’s Guide is included that will help in creating lively discussions about faith themes found in Rocky Balboa. The material includes discussion starters, Scriptural references, fun trivia, tools, and effective actions, which could include hosting an interfaith event, distributing or reprinting information to your group or organization, or utilizing the materials for a small group.
On the Rocky Resources Web site you can view video interviews featuring commentary from Faith Leaders and find out how to use Rocky Balboa as an effective outreach tool.
In the latest movie, Rocky now owns Adrian’s, an Italian restaurant named for his beloved wife who has passed away. His grief heavy, the retired boxer struggles to connect with his son, Robert, and fills his lonely hours with his brother-in-law, reminiscing about the glory days.
When ESPN broadcasts a computer-simulated fight and declares Rocky the victor over the current heavyweight champion, his passion re-ignites and the aging Rocky is eager to return to the ring.
But what does a movie about a boxer have to do with Christianity?
“This is a story of faith, integrity and victory. Jesus is the inspiration for anyone to go the distance,” commented Stallone. You could compare his courage to that of David, who as the epic underdog, defeated the giant Goliath in battle or look at his integrity in comparison to Esther, whose uncle asked, “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14). No matter which way you look at it, it is easy to find similar themes between the Rocky movies and stories throughout the Bible.
Stallone says that in the past, his ego and worldly temptation’s took over in his life and he went spiraling out of control. Rather than living like Rocky with some sense of ideal, he chose a worldly path. “I thought I was entitled to things. You’re not entitled to anything,” Stallone says. “You are what you leave behind.”
Request your Outreach Box from
Watch Sylvester Stalone's 700 Club interview with Pat Robertson
Movie Review -- Rocky Balboa: The Heart of a Champion
Watch a preview of Rocky Balboa
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