december 6, 2006
Polls Confirm Americans Want "Merry Christmas"
After a public backlash, stores are once again wishing people a "Merry Christmas."
The growing trend of political correctness that caused stores to change to "Happy Holidays" runs against the tide of popular opinion according to a Rasmussen Reports survey. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Americans prefer stores to use the phrase “Merry Christmas” in their seasonal advertising rather than the generic “Happy Holidays.” The Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 adults finds that just 23% prefer the “Happy Holidays” greeting.
In a reversal of last year’s policy, Wal-Mart recently announced that it will encourage their employees to greet holiday shoppers with “Merry Christmas.” The phrase also will appear in the retail giant’s holiday products and advertisements. Wal-Mart recently announced it would purchase TV ads mentioning Christmas, change the name of its seasonal decorating department back to “The Christmas Shop” instead of “The Holiday Shop” and play Christmas carols throughout its stores. The switch comes after conservative groups protested Wal-Mart’s usage of generic holiday greetings last year.
Last year, Wal-Mart and other department stores, including Target, Costco, Sears and Kohl’s, opted to use the generic “Happy Holidays” in an effort to replace specific references to Christmas. The move was not without controversy. The American Family Association and The Catholic League boycotted Wal-Mart and other stores that banned the use of the term “Merry Christmas” in their holiday merchandising.
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of respondents say they will attend a Christian church service on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day this year while nearly one-third (32%) will not. Married Americans and middle-income Americans are most likely to attend Christmas services. There is little difference by age or gender.
Even the partisan debate is muted on this holiday topic. Eighty-five percent (85%) of Republicans report a preference for “Merry Christmas.” However, 61% of Democrats and 60% of those not affiliated with either major party hold the same view.
Christmas trees remain popular among Americans. According to a separate Rasmussen poll of 1,000 adults in November, 62 percent of Americans say they will have a Christmas tree in their home, while 22 percent will not and 16 percent have yet to decide. The percentage of Americans with a tree is highest among younger adults. Among those ages 18-29, 71 percent will have a tree; only 47 percent of those 65 and older will have one. Also, by a margin of 60-29 percent, most Americans say they’ll attend a Christmas party.
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