August 31, 2005
President Bush Calls for Prayer for Hurricane Victims
President Bush returned to Washington yesterday to monitor the recovery efforts from Hurricane Katrina. Speaking in San Diego at an observance to mark the 60th anniversary of V-J Day, the president called on Americans to pray. "The good folks in Louisiana and Mississippi and Alabama and other affected areas are going to need the help and compassion and prayers of our fellow citizens." He urged Americans who wish to help to "get in touch with the Salvation Army."
Due to the massive devastation from the hurricane, however, much of the Salvation Army's supplies have been quickly depleted. But early this morning, Operation Blessing's fleet of trucks pulled in to many of the hardest hit communities to help restock the Salvation Army in this time of desperate need.
With urgent needs continuing to emerge, Operation Blessing's disaster relief team is readying a large-scale response throughout the affected areas. Six of Operation Blessing’s tractor trailer trucks have been dispatched to pick up food, cleaning kits and relief supplies for delivery to those impacted by the storm.
As damage assessment continues, OBI is working with local churches and other nonprofits to determine strategic and effective ways to bring aid to those struggling to cope in the aftermath of the brutal hurricane.
Along with its partners at The Salvation Army and Southern Baptist disaster relief, Operation Blessing anticipates helping provide up to 310,000 meals a day to residents throughout Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
Presidential Prayer Team Responds to President Bush
Presidential Prayer Team President and CEO John Lind is also urging all Americans to pray in the wake of the disaster. "As people who pray, we are uniquely poised to impact our nation," said Lind. "Please, join me in praying and let us together watch as God powerfully provides."
Here are some prayer points to help:
- Healing and health for the injured.
- Wisdom and strength for relief workers.
- Consolation for those who have lost loved ones.
- Peace and comfort for those who are displaced, particularly those housed in the Superdome.
- Cessation of looting and a spirit of lawfulness on the part of all.
- Restoration of power and water supplies.
- Food and water to come quickly to those stranded and homeless.
- Swift and efficient implementation of aid by government agencies.
- People who stay in shelters will be protected from harm and have their needs met.
How You Can Help
You can take part in Operation Blessing's ongoing disaster response efforts by making an online donation to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Give to help the Victims of Hurricane Katrina through Operation Blessing
Learn more about the Presidential Prayer Team
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