july 21, 2006
Tote 'em & Quote 'em' -- Annual Scriptures in Schools Week September 24-30
Christian students, teachers, and support staff in public schools across America will be bringing their Bibles to class during the ninth annual "Scriptures in Schools Week" September 24- 30. Bible references will be used to complete various in-class assignments and homework. The nationwide kick-off event is designed to establish the habit for students to bring Bibles to class all year long and make the Bible a commonplace text in America's schools once again.
SIS Week complements other national student events such as “See You at The Pole” (Sept 27) and “Challenge Sunday-Adopt a School for Christ” (Sept 24). Christian parents can make it a family affair by bringing their Bibles to work for "The Word at Work Week" (Sept 24-30)
Inspired by the Great Commission and Isaiah 55:11, SIS Project is an effective, friendly, low key, legal and ethical way for Christian students in public schools to casually and routinely introduce Biblical concepts into America's public school classrooms using what SIS Coordinator Bob Pawson calls "Academic Evangelism".
"Tote 'em and quote 'em! And use 'em in class." says Pawson, a teacher in the Trenton Public Schools since 1980. “Dare to bring your Bibles. Let's return the Bible to our public schools and restore basic Biblical literacy to America's children."
Pawson says, "Academic Evangelism is legal, non- disruptive to the school, and should lead to enhanced scholarship, as well as improved student behavior. A Great Revival is occurring in a most unlikely place: America's public schools - led by teens and children."
"Academic Evangelism creates daily opportunities for students from Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade to share Bible concepts with classmates and teachers in a scholarly manner. Students can present Gospel truths academically by using Biblical references to complete some assignments each week such as essays, book reports, spelling sentences, penmanship or word processing samples, oral readings, dramatic presentations, and biographies. Bible concepts can even be presented in subjects like math, science, social studies, art, and music.”
"Ironically, the only people keeping Bibles out of America's public Schools are - us Christians. All we have to do is bring them in. Let's do so. It’s a real confidence booster to participating students knowing that millions of other people all across America are also bringing their Bibles to public schools that week."
Students and teachers are encouraged to read their Bibles in class, silently or aloud (if circumstances permit), during free periods, lunch, recess, or before and after school. It is absolutely legal to do this. Students can also witness by using textbooks covers featuring the Ten Commandments or Bible verses; wearing Christian t-shirts or patches, buttons, jewelry, and neckties. Bring extra Bibles or tracts as gifts for classmates.
SIS Week is easy to implement in your church, town, school or sphere of influence. Just follow the plan on the web page. SIS Week is a "grass roots" operation which means that you (the Christian reading this press release or article) should exercise personal initiative and leadership to promote or publicize SIS Week in your sphere of influence. Don't wait for a "leader": Be one. Recruit others.
See www.bringyourbible.com for more details about the SIS Project Ministry, student legal rights, creative ideas, printable church bulletin inserts, flyers and more.
On-Air Christian radio and TV personalities are encouraged to promote SIS Week on a daily basis now through September 30. Help to activate Youth Groups in thousands of churches. Encourage Christian recording artists to promote SIS Week at their concerts.
Related School Ministries:
See You at the Pole
American Center for Law and Justice
National Youth Workers Network
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