may 25, 2006
Forty Days of Prayer for Iran
Iranian Christians have pledged 40 days of prayer and fasting for the salvation of Iran, beginning Thursday, May 25. More than 120 Iranian church leaders are asking Christians worldwide to join them in praying for their country. Open Doors USA is responding to this call and urges Christians in the West to earnestly pray for the Iranian people.
One of the church leaders in Iran said, “Pray that we will become united. If we were united, we could beat this regime. If we were united, we would not give in to Satan, because the love of Christ would be central.”
Dr. Carl Moeller, President of Open Doors USA, adds that “99 percent of the 70 million Iranians are Muslims. There are only about 200,000 Christians. And they are becoming more and more marginalized by the repressive, militant government. Please join the prayer campaign and pray for our brothers and sisters in Iran.”
Iran is ranked No. 3 on Open Doors’ World Watch List which ranks 50 countries according to severity of persecution of Christians.
Prayer points
The following points are given by Open Doors as suggestions for prayer focus:
· Pray against increasing pressure and intimidation placed on Christians and churches. Pray for Christians to be filled with the Spirit in all boldness. Acts 4:23-31
· Pray for unity among the believers, so that God’s name will be proclaimed throughout the country. Ephesians 3:8-20
· Pray for a breakthrough in every heart, making disciples of Christ in this nation. Matthew 28:18-20
In addition, there is a “Pray for Iran” campaign Web site,, which provides prayer requests and information.
Related CBN News Story: Inside Iran: Signs of the Apocalypse
The persecution of Christians in Iran today is not a series of isolated events or the result of individual prejudices but rather a state policy implemented at all levels in various forms. It affects both individuals as well as the church as a whole.
Since last year’s election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian authorities have increased pressure on the few remaining Protestant congregations still allowed to meet in official church buildings. Through more than three ministries and their departments, officials question Christians and strictly regulate their institutions. It is impossible in Iran to have a public Christian life, or for Muslims to convert openly to Christianity, because it is forbidden by the government.
Nearly two years ago, local Protestant denominations had been ordered to cut their ties with any house church groups meeting throughout the country, Compass Direct reported. Government officials warned that such fellowships were holding “illegal religious meetings” and would be duly prosecuted.
Since then, church leaders have been under relentless intimidation to compromise with government investigators by providing the names of their members, particularly any who are converts from Islam.
Learn more about the Pray for Iran campaign
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