January 30, 2006
Busy Week of Prayer for Capitol Hill
From Capitol Hill Prayer Partners:
1. President Bush to Deliver the State of the Union Address on Tuesday
On Tuesday, Jan. 31, President Bush will deliver his State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress. As always, the audience will include the nine Supreme Court Justice, all except one of his Cabinet Secretaries, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This year, President Bush has indicated that his Jan. 31 speech would focus on "keeping government spending in check, making the tax cuts passed during his first term permanent and modifying the U.S. health care system to meet the country's future needs. Policies must be put in place to recognize the competition of the global economy," Bush said.
Meanwhile, Congressional Democratic leaders went on the offensive last week, criticizing President Bush and the Republican-led Congress on numerous issues, five days before the president was to go before Congress and the nation to deliver his State of the Union address. "On key policies, from health care costs, to energy prices, to college tuition, to the budget deficit, to national security, the policies we have seen from Republicans in power do not match the priorities of the American people," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). "And the American people want to know: 'why?' They have tough questions and deserve real answers," she added. (CNSNews.com)
• As almost the entire leadership of our federal government is assembled in the Capitol Building again this year, pray for the safety of all who will hear the State of the Union address. The military will declare the area around the Capitol a no-fly zone that day; and extreme measures will be taken to ensure everyone’s safety and protection. Pray that all who are charged with this mission will be unusually alert from now through Tuesday evening. God will hear and answer our prayers for our leaders, if we but ask! • Psalm 91, in its entirety.
2. Bush to Promote Alternative Energy Initiatives at State of the Union
Trying to calm anxieties about soaring energy costs, President Bush is using his State of the Union address this week to focus on a package of energy of proposals aimed at bringing fuel-saving technologies out of the lab and into use. In Bush's vision, drivers will stop at hydrogen stations and fill their fuel-cell cars with the pollution-free fuel. Or they would power their engines with ethanol made from trash or corn. More Americans would run their lights at home on solar power.
Bush has been talking about these ideas since his first year in office. Proposals aimed at spreading the use of ethanol, hydrogen and renewable fuels all were part of the energy bill that he signed into law in August, but that hasn't eased Americans' worries about high fuel prices. Add in the unrest in the Middle East, and energy becomes a major problem for the president to address Tuesday night. "I agree with Americans who understand being hooked on foreign oil as an economic problem and a national security problem," Bush said in a recent interview with CBS. (AP)
• Pray for a breakthrough in our energy sources, so that the United States will no longer be held hostage to Middle Eastern oil interests. Scientists ARE working behind the scenes to develop alternative fuel sources; ask our Lord to bless and increase their efforts. • Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy be made full. (John 16:24)
3. Annual Congressional Retreat to Take Place Next Weekend
Next weekend, all members of Congress will be involved in one of four retreats: one each for the Senate Republicans and the Senate Democrats and another each for the House Republicans and the House Democrats. These annual events are held at the beginning of the congressional year so that party members can meet to decide their agendas for the coming months. Because this is an election year, the debates over these agendas promise to be intense. In November, every member of the House of Representatives will run for office again, as will one-third of the membership of the Senate. (Capitol Hill Prayer Partners)
• Intercede for the leadership of both parties, in both houses of Congress -- that they will be influenced not by politics but by principle as they weigh their agendas for this year. Bind confusion and loose the spirit of peace, order and unity. • I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (I Timothy 2:1-2)
4. Senate Vote Tuesday: Nomination of Samuel Alito to Serve on Supreme Court
-- Three Democrates Support Judge Alito; Kerry Wants Filibuster --
Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) is the latest Democrat to announce his support for Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. That makes three Democrats who have so far said they will vote to confirm Judge Alito. Sen. Tim Johnson, a South Dakota Democrat, announced Thursday that he will vote for Alito. Sen. Ben Nelson, a Nebraska Democrat was the first Democrat to say he would support Alito. Wire reports said Alito also has 51 Republican votes, thus assuring his confirmation to the nation's highest court.
Sen. John Kerry, on the other hand, will try to filibuster Alito, CNN reported Thursday. The Massachusetts Democrat, in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum, was culling support by phone calls to his fellow Democrats. Kerry reportedly told a group of Democratic senators Wednesday of his plans for a filibuster and called on them to join him. According to Kerry, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) supports a filibuster. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), assistant Democratic leader, told reporters, "I've come to the conclusion that it is highly unlikely that a filibuster would succeed." Republicans would need 60 votes to defeat a filibuster and force a vote on Alito.
Byrd, Johnson, and Nelson are calling on their Democratic colleagues not to filibuster Alito. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) also said she opposes a filibuster. "Because we have such a full plate of pressing issues before Congress, a filibuster at this time would be, in my view, very counterproductive," CNN quoted Landrieu as saying. (AP)
• Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has announced the schedule of voting for Judge Alito’s nomination. On Monday, Jan. 30, the Senate will vote at 4:00 p.m. to bring “cloture” to this debate, which will then end the debate and clear the way for a final vote the next morning. On Tuesday, Jan. 31st, the full Senate will vote to confirm Judge Samuel Alito to become the next Justice of the Supreme Court. PRAY FOR A “YES” VOTE BOTH TIMES -- the first vote will prevent a filibuster; the second will bring the victory for Judge Alito . . . a few hours before President George W. Bush addresses the entire Congress on the State of the Union. PRAY FOR VICTORY FOR JUDGE ALITO. • And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning . . . (Is. 1:26)
• Our Father, in Jesus' Name, we thank You for our senators and their service to this nation. As the Senate votes on the confirmation of Judge Alito to the Supreme Court, we ask that the U.S. Senators walk together in agreement in this vote. We ask that there be no filibuster, delaying the vote at a time in our nation when all Americans, especially, need to walk shoulder to shoulder in rank, at Your command and by Your direction. Thank You, Father. Amen. • "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3)
•Father, we ask that Judge Alito, a man of integrity and wisdom, be confirmed by an up or down vote on Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m.. We pray that You will grant us men and women who will judge with Your righteous judgment. Our trust is in You, Father. Amen. • "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Proverbs 29:2)
5. Pro-Family Congressmen Vie for Top House Spot
Republicans are in the process of choosing new leadership for the House of Representatives. Three candidates are vying to become speaker of the House, third in the line of succession to the presidency -- and all three are social conservatives. Reps. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., John Shadegg, R-Ariz. and John Boehner, R-Ohio, all share perfect pro-family voting records, according to the Family Research Council's scorecard.
Gary Bauer, president of American Values, said it's a strong sign of the influence of the pro-family movement. He added that the conservative trend also holds in the other House leadership posts up for grabs. "Many of these individuals are also reaching out in meetings and phone conversations to the pro- family and pro-life movements to make it clear to them that they share our agenda," he told Family News in Focus.
The leadership changes come amid ethics charges involving both parties. Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., said the change will bring reform. "The change of leadership is probably a good thing," he said, "probably refreshing to the party and maybe will bring some new ideas and new approaches." (Citizen Link)
• Heavenly Father, as this change in leadership in the United States House of Representatives approaches, we ask that Your wisdom and Your guidance prevail in the hearts and minds of the Congressmen, whose duty it is to vote for the new leaders. You know, Lord, the gifts which You have placed inside these men who seek to become the new Speaker of the House. Father, we ask that the man of Your choice may serve in this capacity, utilizing these gifts for the good of our people. In Jesus‘ Name, amen. • A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. (Proverbs 18:16)
6. Converging and Marching for a 'Culture of Life' in America
"You believe, as I do, that every human life has value, that the strong have a duty to protect the weak, and that the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence apply to everyone, not just to those considered healthy or wanted or convenient." - President Bush, broadcast to demonstrators at the U.S. Capitol.
On Monday, January 23, an estimated 250,000 people from across the nation converged on the Mall in Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life, marking the 33rd anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. Prior to the walk to the Supreme Court, these advocates for life participated in a two hour rally that featured speeches from Congressmen, church leaders, Terri Schiavo’s family, and even the President of the United States.
At the rally’s conclusion, excitement mounted as thousands of people began jostling through the mud and rain for the march down Constitution Avenue. Huge banners sporting slogans like “women deserve better than abortion” and “take my hand, not my life” waved above the massive, cheering crowd. This year, there was a high turnout of young people from the surrounding high schools and colleges, giving the march a “hip” appearance. Their bubbling enthusiasm and rhymed cheers injected the crowd with passion for the fight for life.
It was an awesome experience, and I encourage you to mark your calendars for January 23, 2007 and come out to your nation’s Capital to show your support of life from conception to natural death! As a friend said, “it’s discouraging to constantly hear the highly political abortion rhetoric—but, when you attend an event like the March, you’re reminded of the purpose of this battle: that every life, no matter how inconsequent it might seem, has value because it is made in the Lord’s image.” (By Sarah Nagasako, Intercessors for America; Youth Interceding for America)
• FATHER OF LIFE, We thank and recognize You as the "life giver," and we thank You for the thousands from across our Nation having Your freedom, protection, and safety to have marched for "pro life" last Monday. We are grateful too, that President Bush and other government leaders as well as the family of Terri Schiavo were voices speaking for LIFE. Oh Father God , please bring a Quick End to the slaughter of your innocent ones, and save the souls of the revolters! In Jesus’ Name, Amen! • And the revolters are profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebuker of them all. (Hosea 5: 2)
7. South Dakota Considers Outlawing Abortion
Lawmakers in South Dakota will soon consider two bills that target abortion -- one that would require an abortion provider to explain the danger of the procedure and one that would ban it altogether in the state. The first, HB 1215 -- The Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act -- would outlaw abortion, allowing an exception only if a woman's life is at stake. The Negligent Screening Bill (HB 1216) addresses the risk factors associated with abortion and would require any doctor performing the procedure to ensure a patient receives all the facts about those risks. A written statement that the information was received would be required.
Republican Rep. Roger Hunt, the author of both bills, said the majority of South Dakotans are pro-life and support the laws he has proposed. He fully expects that, if passed, one or both laws will be challenged by abortion-advocacy groups and may ultimately end up before the U.S. Supreme Court. "The bottom line," he added, "is that the Supreme Court is sitting up and taking notice of the considerable attention that the abortion issue is receiving in the United States."
South Dakota has a shorter legislative session than many other states, and Hunt said he expects both bills to move quickly through the legislative process. "But for something that is as highly emotional as this bill is," he said, "it just is going to take a lot of work from a lot of people and a lot of prayer from a lot of people in this Capitol building and outside this Capitol building. (Citizen Link)
• Offer praise to the Lord for this breakthrough FOR LIFE in South Dakota, and intercede that these bills will be passed by its legislature. May our Lord use these bills as a model for other states to follow, too! • When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice . . . (Proverbs 29:2)
8. Virginia Moves Toward Protecting Marriage
The Old Dominion State's Senate all but guaranteed Wednesday that Virginia will hold a referendum in November on whether to amend its Bill of Rights to protect marriage. According to The Washington Post, each chamber must still pass the measure adopted by the other, but the wording is identical and support is strong. The marriage amendment would say in part, "That only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this Commonwealth and its political subdivisions."
Supporters said that a traditional definition of marriage is so important that it belongs in the most hallowed of Virginia documents. "The family is the foundation of our society, and it's been based on a union of a man and a woman since the inception of marriage," said Del. John A. Cosgrove. "A constitutional amendment . . . will protect that." (Citizen Link)
• Heavenly Father, in Jesus' Name, we pray for the State of Virginia as it approaches this referendum for the protection of marriage as You established it, a holy union between one man and one woman. Help the legislators to put Your Word and Your Will foremost in their decision-making and voting. We thank You for the Virginians who uphold the biblical definition of marriage as the foundation of the family, according to Your will and purpose. Thank You, Father. • "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife." (Mark 10:6-7)
9. President will Address Military Restrictions on Prayer
The lawmaker leading a congressional drive against guidelines encouraging non-sectarian prayers in certain situations is confident that the White House is looking into the matter. Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) discussed the contested military policy last Thursday with President Bush’s Domestic Policy Advisor Claude Allen, and was confident that the matter would receive more attention within the Bush administration.
Allen assured Congressman Jones that President Bush would indeed speak to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about this issue and the congressman agreed that this religious discrimination problem could be corrected without an additional executive order issued by the President. Over 70 Washington lawmakers led by Jones signed a petition in October decrying the guidelines about non-sectarian prayer as a euphemism for prayer censorship, like the Navy's, that encourage or require generic prayers when chaplains pray during public events.
The issue of military restrictions on prayer also received attention recently when Navy Chaplain James Klingenschmitt went on a 19-day fast which ended on Jan. 7 after alleging that the Navy had ordered him that not to pray in public using Jesus’ name while wearing his uniform. He ended his fast on Jan. 7 after he says he had been given approval to pray by the Navy. (Christian Post, 1/25/06; WorldNetDaily.com, 1/6/06, 1/24/06) [Reported by: Intercessors for America]
• Most High God, We are asking for Your continued VICTORY for ALL our Military Chaplains, to be legally afforded the RIGHT to PRAY in the name of the God they serve. May President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld join with Rep. Walter Jones and many others in "Decrying" the non- sectarian prayers encouraged by some. TO GOD BE THE GLORY, In Jesus Name, Amen. • That men may know that thou whose name alone is JEHOVAH art the Most High over all the earth. (Psalm 83:18)
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Brought to you by Capitol Hill Prayer Partners. Used by permission. To receive their newsletter updates, send an e-mail to chpp@patriot.net.
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