december 31, 2005
Review Of The Persecuted Church Worldwide In 2005
From Open Doors and Brother Andrew:
As we celebrate the birth of our Lord this Christmas season and mark the end of another year, we need to pause and reflect on the status of our brothers and sisters who are being tortured, imprisoned and even killed for their faith in Jesus Christ.
In 2005 there was an increase in persecution of Christians in such countries as North Korea, Indonesia and Eritrea, to name just a few.
The estimated 400,000 Christians in North Korea faced daily persecution, including torture in prison camps. That is one of the reasons North Korea for the third year in a row topped Open Doors’ 2005 World Watch List of countries where persecution is most severe. As a result, Open Doors USA launched a Prayer Campaign for North Korea which is on-going (go to to sign up.)
In Indonesia, more Christians were killed and churches burned. Three Christian women – Dr. Rebekka Zakaria, Eti Pangesti and Ratna Bangun – were arrested for running a “Happy Sunday” program for children. Muslim fundamentalists protested that they were proselytizing Muslim children and as a result the three were convicted and sentenced to three years in prison. But even in prison, Rebekka organized a Sunday worship service in the courtyard and led two fellow inmates to Christ. Rebekah said: “It’s hard being here but I know I am pleasing God by doing His work.”
Eritrea Persecution Increases
In the little eastern African country of Eritrea, 26 pastors and 1,700 evangelical church members are now imprisoned and some have been tortured by government military forces. That’s double the total imprisoned from a year ago. Some religious prisoners are being held in metal shipping containers without legal representation. Open Doors USA responded to the increased persecution there by launching an E-Petition Campaign for Eritrea, which urges Congress and the Department of State to work to put a stop to the persecution. To sign the petition, go to
Also, in response to the Dec. 26, 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia, Open Doors launched a $2 million relief campaign called “Wave of Hope” to support and strengthen partner churches in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India. Over the past year Open Doors – which already was working with the Persecuted Church in the tsunami areas – brought hope in the midst of suffering by providing shelter, rebuilding churches, trauma counseling, funding livelihood projects and replacing lost Bibles and study materials. Open Doors was one of hundreds of Christian ministries reaching out in love to the tsunami victims. As a result, Christians impacted people of all faiths in their communities.
Open Doors also brought emergency aid to Pakistan, which suffered devastation from a huge earthquake this fall.
While there was tragedy and tears among members of the Persecuted Church around the world, there were also victories and rejoicing in how the Lord provided through His loving hands and the support of those who prayed for our brothers and sisters
Changing Lives In Ethiopia
For example, in Ethiopia, for 12 years, Kedija, a Muslim women, lived with severe back pain and unexplainably could not use her legs. She was entirely dependant on others. She gave away all her possessions to pay for healing from a witch doctor. She stayed with him for a year in his house, but there was no healing.
Her two teenage daughters offered themselves as wives to another witch doctor so he would be able to heal their mother. He said he could heal her for $250. But that didn’t work and the witch doctor skipped town.
As a last resort she sought out a Christian evangelist in another village. He rode into Kedija’s village on a bike provided by Open Doors to pray for her.
He explained that only God could heal her – through His son Jesus Christ. Kedija understood that and he prayed for her. Her eldest daughter left screaming…not liking the loud prayers. The evangelist ran after her and prayed for here. He cast a demon out of her. At the same time, Kedija started to scream uncontrollably. The evangelist cast the demon out of her, too, and she was healed…and able to walk.
There was so much attention drawn to her, that as she accepted Christ and was healed, her entire family and 38 others came to Christ. Kedija’s husband had built a mosque on their compound, but after his wife’s healing, he offered the building to be used as a church. They then had a water baptism where the 38 Muslim Background Believers were baptized along with 300 other believers
Ministry To Believers Continues
Also, Open Doors was able to send over 3 million Bibles and other study materials to China – among many other countries – where house church members thirst for the Word. All of these resources are designed to equip church leaders to stand firm against persecution and the widespread influence of cults and false teachings. Open Doors trained hundreds of pastors through its “Standing Strong Through the Storm” seminars.
This year Open Doors celebrated 50 years of supporting and strengthening persecuted Christians. From its humble beginning in 1955 when founder Brother Andrew made a daring trip behind the Iron Curtain to distribute Christian literature, Open Doors now works in 45 of the most dangerous countries in the world with a staff of 350.
“As we look back over the past year and the last 50 years, we rejoice at all the Lord has done through Open Doors and its ministry to Persecuted Christians around the world,” says Open Doors USA President Dr. Carl Moeller. “God has truly blessed this ministry.
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