november 3, 2005
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, 11/13/05
Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.
(Hebrews 13:3)
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is a global day of intercession for persecuted Christians worldwide. Its primary focus is the work of intercessory prayer and citizen action on behalf of persecuted communities of the Christian faith. Organizers also encourage prayer for the souls of the oppressors, the nations that promote persecution, and those who ignore it.
Prayer changes things. Exactly what happens is a mystery of faith. God invites us to present to Him our requests and to pray without ceasing. Persecuted Christians often plead for prayer to help them endure. The most we can do is the least we can do — pray.
How did the IDOP get started?
The IDOP began in 1996 through the efforts of the World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF) in cooperation with a variety of denominations and faith-based organizations. From a core group of approximately 7,000 churches, the IDOP has grown to be the largest prayer day event of its kind in the world. The IDOP is a rallying point for Christians and others to stand behind those who suffer for their faith by providing prayer support and appropriate advocacy.
In 1998, Prayer for the Persecuted Church, Inc. (PPC) took oversight of the IDOP organizing efforts in the United States while WEF continues to coordinate the IDOP internationally. PPC is an independent, nonprofit, nonpolitical organization whose primary agenda is informed and active prayer.
What are the goals of the IDOP?
The goals of the IDOP and Prayer for the Persecuted Church are to:
- Increase awareness of the persecuted Church worldwide.
- Lead in prayer on behalf of the persecuted Church.
- Promote ongoing and appropriate action on behalf of the persecuted Church.
Why doesn’t the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church pray for all persecuted people regardless of their religious, political, or social affiliation?
As a human rights issue, the persecution of Christians dwarfs all other forms of religious injustice. It is beneficial to take advocacy for fellow believers who suffer for their faith as a starting point, as Christians living in free societies have been largely unaware of or silent to this increasing tragedy.
As we gain a deeper understanding of the plight of our Christian family, we can also grow in knowledge about human rights issues affecting all people. A Christian’s compassion is not reserved only for fellow Christians, but is to be given to all who suffer injustice and oppression (Luke 12:29) and to those whose dark consciences press them to perpetrate evil (Matthew 5:44). Christians are encouraged to “do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10).
Get Involved
This year's online IDOP materials are available NOW!
Prayer Needs of the Persecuted Church
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Learn more at the IDOP Web site
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