Welcome back from the summer holidays, school is back in session, and the new television season begins to roll out.
Attached, please find the third installment in this time line series of my life journey to date. There are two more chapters to follow this one.
This segment reflects back on the television show I hosted in the 1980s for the Family Channel, Scott Ross Straight Talk. I had forgotten how charged some of those shows were! Here, I talk with Craig von Buseck on the philosophy of Straight Talk and some clips that highlight a few of those moments. On occasion I miss doing the show.
Thanks again for your feedback and comments. We’ll post some of your responses at a later date.
The Scott Ross Interview (Part 3) 
Here is information on the limited edition hardcover book of Scott Free which chronicles the journey.
Now... some feedback.
How many of us have opportunity or the facility to look back over our lives and view our respective journey’s to date? This collection of interviews of your truly does just that. Actually, it’s a good and bad reminder of days gone by.
But, just think, ultimately all of us will have opportunity to view our lives, and “everything we have done in our bodies” with He who watches over us; and that will be the uncut, unedited version; except for those portions that have been deleted…because of Jesus.
From J.N.: I enjoy listening to your recollections, because I was there in the vicinity of the time when you came. I was operating the camera the first day it signed on. I believe the opening show was the choir of Sweetbriar Baptist Church standing in front of a chalk drawing of stained windows -- with Barbara Johnson singing in the choir. I have a very deep heart-tie to CBN. It is my alma mater. Listening to your interviews is stirring up a lot of memories for me.
From I.V.: Thanks for sharing these interviews, Scott. It helps me know you (and Pat) better and learn what your beginnings were like. The part where you shared how Pat stood for you gives a fresher perspective of him.
From G.C.: This is only part two?! I loved it as much as I did part one! Scott, there's something about you that just draws the viewer in and makes them want to hear more. You are an inspiration to me (and no doubt to a ton - or more - of others.) Great stuff... I wanna hear more!
From E.P.: Thank you Scott. May we experience God’s miraculous revival power like again. It’s coming! Thanks for sharing these interviews. I started to hear (CBN Northeast Radio) in fall of '72 and to watch The 700 Club on TV around 75.
Contact Scott Ross