The Christian Broadcasting Network

Erick Stakelbeck

The Stakelbeck on Terror Frontpage



Stakelbeck on Terror



August 16, 2005

Recent Decade Shows Racial Profiling Makes Sense

I'm heading to New York City tomorrow to cover the controversy over using racial profiling to identify potential terrorists. Why there is a controversy over this, I'm not quite sure, given that practically every major terrorist attack over the past decade-plus (at least) has been committed by men of Middle Eastern, North African, or South Asian descent. This much is indisputable. Of course, there's also one other undeniable quality about the recent London bombings, last year's Madrid bombings, the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings, the 9-11 attacks, etc.They were all committed by devout Muslims who carried them out in the name of Islam. So why, then, do America's government and media elites have such a hard time saying the words "Islamic" and "terrorism" in the same sentence?

The latest example of craven political correctness in the face of our radical Islamic enemy comes out of Connecticut, where an organization called the People's Truth Forum is sponsoring a September 21 conference called "The Radical Islamist Threat to World Peace and National Security." The conference aims to discuss just what its title implies, a fact that hasn't gone over too well with some, according to

For instance, last month, CBS/Infinity Radio refused to air paid commercial announcements for the conference, claiming "people might be too emotionally affected" by it, and that "it's too controversial to be aired at this time." In the WND article, the event's organizer, Jeff Epstein, recounts how staff of Sen. Hillary Clinton told him she couldn't attend the conference and was "just far too busy" to provide a video greeting. Epstein also describes a Connecticut bank manager's rejection of the People's Truth Forum's request to open a checking account for the event. The banker reportedly feared that "his institution would be identified as being supportive of the organization's mission and conference."

This is madness. Support for this conference is something to be praised, not condemned. An excellent panel of speakers will be on hand, including Robert Spencer, director of the invaluable Jihad Watch Web site. Spencer's new book, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) " is absolutely essential reading. It's an indispensable resource for anyone who (rightly so) just isn't convinced by the disingenuous "Islam is Peace" drivel that's been emanating out of Washington and the mainstream media since 9-11. Go pick it up.

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