August 11,
Jihad Cleric
“Vacationing” in Beirut Detained
Some refreshing news out of Beirut today: Lebanese authorities
have detained the radical sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed for
questioning. Details have yet to emerge about why the
Lebanese are holding him. But whenever someone as despicable
as Bakri--who openly advocates suicide bombings and calls
the 9/11 hijackers, "the Magnificent 19"--is
a given a hard time, I'm happy. The Syrian-born Bakri,
who has lived in Britian for the past 20 years, was supposedly
"vacationing" in Lebanon (he holds Lebanese
citizenship, and his mother lives in Beirut).
Interestingly enough, Bakri's sudden Lebanese holiday--he
arrived there on Sunday--came about after British Prime
Minister Tony Blair's August 5 announcement of new anti-terrorism
policies that would legalize the deportation of extremist,
hate-spewing imams. Given that Bakri is the most frequently
cited example of jihadi clerics running wild in Britain,
he was a prime candidate for deportation. So it would
appear that Bakri's Lebanon trip was simply a way for
him to dodge British authorities and avoid the embarrassment
of getting the boot.
Still, Bakri is reportedly vowing to return to London.
In fact, he's slated to have heart surgery at Britain's
St. Thomas Hospital sometime in the coming weeks--courtesy
of the British government! It's true. For the past two
decades, during which time Bakri has openly called for
the overthrow of Britain's government, he and his family
have collected welfare and other benefits from the state.
In fact, Bakri hasn't held a job since he arrived in Britain.
Heck, it's no wonder he wants to go back. Hopefully, Tony
Blair's new anti-terror proposals will put an end to such
madness. Britian's treatment of Bakri--if he returns--will
be a good indicator. Let him have his heart surgery: in
the friendly confines of Beirut or Damascus.
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