October 20,
Feast of Tabernacles is the Time of Messiah's Glory
Thousands of Christians have come to Jerusalem to celebrate the biblical Feast of Tabernacles, also known as succot. While the feast finds its roots in the Old Testament book of Leviticus, many Christians believe it holds a special prophetic significance for the future and for the church.
Pageantry, song, and dancing mark the way many Christians celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. The feast marks the time when Jews wandered in the desert and God tabernacled with them. But to many Christians, the feast also anticipates the time when the messiah comes and tabernacles with his people. The international Christian embassy Jerusalem sponsors the largest gathering in Jerusalem. Malcolm Hedding is the executive director.
“The word of God promises that Jesus will return and he will return in triumph. As you know from the book of Zechariah, this is the great celebration of the messianic age. When the messiah is here reigning over the nation, ruling them with a rod of iron and his resting place is glorious. Paul says it’s the time of messiah’s glory, and this is the significance for Christians,” Hedding said.
Thousands of Christians have come from more than one hundred nations to celebrate the feast.
“It’s great to join all the other Christians around the world and to celebrate Jesus and to understand where we are spiritually going,” said Milka Cultrena, from Finland.
“It’s a calling of the Lord to the nations to come up to Jerusalem once a year to the Feast of Tabernacles,” said Milton Sousa, from Brazil. “So it’s a privilege to be here all the way from Brazil, my wife and I and a group of almost 700 Brazilians.”
Jennie Ruth, from the United States, said “and to be here at the feast, we’re supposed to bring joy. That’s the feast of tabernacles. So that’s what we do. We are joyous.”
“I’m identifying with the feast to celebrate and to look forward to the coming of the king when he reigns in Jerusalem. So this is what it means to me,” said Ntiense Ubon, from Nigeria.
This celebration in dance, pageantry, and song heralds the coming king and helps prepare the way of the Lord.
Hedding said, “The Feast of Tabernacles is a glorious celebration of the kingdom of God. It speaks about God’s protection, care, and love for His people. It’s speaks about His coming, triumphant kingdom. Not only for Israel but for the world Chris, for all the people that love Him and come to serve Him through Jesus Christ.”
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