The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Travis Kirschke: Letting Him Lead

By Shawn Brown
The 700 Club

CBN.comThe Pittsburgh Steelers have had a long history of producing the game’s most dominating defense. Defensive end Travis Kirschke has left his mark by anchoring the Steelers “D” and helping them capture two Super Bowl championships. But his success in the NFL didn’t come easy. 

“I kind of came into the league they would say the hard way,” he tells The 700 Club.

While in high school, Travis was named the best player in Los Angeles and went on to have a Steeler career at UCLA. He hoped to be drafted into the NFL, but when no team selected him, he was devastated. However, he never gave up.

“You don’t get as many opportunities as a free agent as you would if you were drafted.”

So he worked harder and harder and it paid off. The Detroit Lions brought him on as an undrafted, but he didn’t see much playing time. Finally, after six seasons, Travis knew it was time for a change. So he and his wife prayed for direction.

“It was bumpy. You’re not sure if you really belong in the league. We felt that He said, ‘You need to move on.’ We put our faith in Him and we moved out.”

Travis signed with the San Francisco 49ers, and his career took off. He started in 15 of 16 games, recorded 43 tackles and made a name for himself around the league.  By the end of the season, several teams wanted to sign him. So once again Travis asked God for guidance.

“You’ve got to pray about it. I believe, if you put it in His hands, He’ll take care of you either way.”

Travis signed with the Pittsburgh Steelers. In his second season, he helped them win the Super Bowl. Three years later, Travis and the Steelers won the Super Bowl again. While the championships are nice, Travis says it doesn’t compare to being able to share a message of hope with others.

“You need to intertwine Him in your life on all decisions that you make, your thoughts and that’s how you’re going to be protected. We live in this crazy world, and the more you’re focused on Him and learning about Him, it’s amazing through the knowledge of Him how much peace you get from it.”    

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