The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Sean Foy

Featured Book


Exercise Physiologist and Behavioral and Nutritional Coach
President/Founder, Personal Wellness Corporation, a consulting firm that provides health and fitness testing, education seminars, and wellness programs to Fortune 500 companies

Author, The 10-Minute Total Body Breakthrough, Workman, 2009

Co-creator, Lean Kids, award-winning children’s health and fitness program

Recipient, “Nike Go” Top National Health Educaton Program Award, California Governor Health Educator of the Year Award

B.S., Exercise Physiology, California State University Fullerton; M.A., Marriage and Family Counseling, Trinity College of Graduate Studies

Married to Joanne; Kids: Joel, 15; Brooke, 13


Get Your Fitness Breakthrough with Sean Foy THE BREAKTHROUGH

When Sean was a sophomore in college, he blew out his knee playing football. His left leg was in a cast for eight weeks. By the time the cast came off, Sean had one strong leg and one skinny one. What started as misfortune turned out to be a blessing. Sean became very interested in the way the body recovers from a sports injury and learned all he could about healing.

After college, Sean enrolled at Talbot Theological Seminary/Biola University but did not feel called to preach behind a pulpit. One day during Old Testament class, Sean realized he was called to do something else with his gifts which is when he changed directions and enrolled in a Marriage and Family counseling graduate program.

After graduation, Sean worked as a behavioral health specialist where he was responsible for getting people to lose weight by following a strict diet using premade meals. While he was happy helping his dieters one-on-one and working with them to achieve their weight loss goals, Sean said the dieters were not successful in transitioning from the premade foods to real food. The weight came back on and Sean decided to focus full-time on helping people get healthy. He worked as a personal trainer and then started his own company five years later. Sean started addressing larger groups about health and fitness and started the Personal Wellness Corporation.


With his first corporate client, Nutrilite Corporation, employees signed up for 15-minute health breaks. He took a complete exercise program and broke it down into smaller steps. After examining dozens of fitness plans, Sean knew he would need to incorporate cardiovascular exercise, strength training, core-strengthening, stretching and deep breathing all in a short amount of time. He also needed to make it fun and come up with a nutrition component that would help put an end to yo-yo dieting.

The result: the 4-3-2-1 Interval Training which is comprised of 4 minutes of higher-intensity cardio, 3 minutes of strengthening exercises for the entire body, 2 minutes for core-strengthening, and 1 minute of stress-reducing stretching and deep breathing.

“I have seen my clients successfully meet their fitness goals,” says Sean. While most fitness gurus are still repeating the same advice about 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity 3 to 5 times per week, Sean says research shows it is unnecessary. “Short bursts of intense exercise are highly effective,” says Sean. He calls this HEAT (high energy aerobic training). These intense bursts of activity are not only beneficial during the activity but for hours afterwards.

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