The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

church of the week

Oaks Fellowship: Junior Bible Quiz

By Cynthia Savage
The 700 Club

CBN.comKids from first through sixth grade at Oaks Fellowship in Red Oaks, Texas, participate in the Junior Bible Quiz. It’s a nationwide program that tests the children’s knowledge of the Bible. 

“One of the core values in our church is to raise up the next generation of leaders - that every generation should be stronger, bigger, better,” Pastor Scott said.

Teams from different churches compete, and this team from Oaks Fellowship has a reputation for winning!  Doug Weurch is their coordinator.

“Do it like you’re doing it for God, with everything that you’ve got,” Doug said. “That’s an attitude that we maintain within Junior Bible Quiz.” 

Win or lose, everyone walks away knowing more about God’s Word.

“These kids are memorizing huge portions of the scripture. They’re learning the basics and the core values of the Bible,” Pastor Scott said.

“When we commit His word to memory and meditate on His Word, He’ll bless us in every area of our lives. I’ve seen that in my children,” said member, Sherrill Orcutt. 

Many families study 20 to 40 minutes every night.

“I’m memorizing the scripture right along with him because I was asking him and hearing him quote it,” Sherrill said.

“There’s nothing like JBQ out there that puts a mom, a dad, and a child sitting together working on God’s Word,” Doug said. “It builds a relationship around the most valuable thing that you could have in a home.”

In the end, it’s all about making the Word of God real in their lives.

“You stick it down in their hearts and it’ll come back at the right time under the pressure moments in life,” Doug said.

Romans 8:38-39 (NIV) “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord,” several children recited.

For teaching kids God’s Word, The 700 Club honors Oaks Fellowship, you are America’s Church Of The Week!

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